You know you're up too late...

Apr 03, 2004 04:31

...when you're scrolling past old LJ entries, and you see the review of The Last King you wrote a couple of weeks ago, and specifically a comment on the scene that opens the miniseries, which is to say the execution of Charles I, and you recall that Charles I's last word is supposed to have been "Remember," just like Spock's in The Wrath of Khan, and that sparks this weird mental fugue where you start wondering about the whereabouts of King Charles' katra, and how the fal-tor-pan ceremony would work if the deceased had been beheaded, and what a geek you are for remembering that it's called the fal-tor-pan ceremony (I just googled it to confirm that).

Well, not for nothing am I the Sad Bastard of the Week. ;)

And I've been feeling quite ill for the last 45 minutes or so. I really, really do not need that.

charles i, insomnia posts, trekkiness, dorkery

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