total dorkery

Jul 26, 2007 00:22

Because I was bored, and working seemed like a far less entertaining alternative. This thing does not have quite as much range as the South Park character generator, but that's okay.

Famous Renaissance Poets And How They'd Look If They Were Simpsons Characters (And Also Wore Anachronistic Shirts and Pants) )


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Comments 21

shakespearechic July 26 2007, 16:45:03 UTC
OMG, I love all of those!!! Awesome!


sollersuk July 26 2007, 19:23:02 UTC
I made a serious mistake. I still had a mouthful of wine around when I looked at them. ZOMG ROTFL!


sollersuk July 26 2007, 19:33:29 UTC
(after I'd finished coughing and choking, that is)

What's the site? As well as my own South Park icon I did ones for my daughters and each said of the other's "That is so evil! That is so right!"


angevin2 July 26 2007, 19:48:27 UTC
It's here. :)

You have seen the various examples of the South Park Shakespeare craze from a while back, yes? Those are wonderful. :D


so_lily_briscoe July 26 2007, 21:02:33 UTC
Okay, even when it's Simpsons!Donne, I get all twitterpated when he looks at me like that.

Also, I feel I must be horribly remiss in something for not understanding why he has a duck on his shirt. Though Jonson's blowfish is equally inscrutable -- except perhaps that he himself is one. Way to go.


angevin2 July 26 2007, 21:05:30 UTC
Well, they had a limited number of t-shirt designs and I thought it seemed apt in an inexplicable way. I do not know.

The blowfish for Jonson was just because it looked cranky like Ben. ;)


queeniefox July 27 2007, 16:10:05 UTC
Heh, I love Donne!


bunrab July 27 2007, 22:36:46 UTC
Love 'em.


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