total dorkery

Jul 26, 2007 00:22

Because I was bored, and working seemed like a far less entertaining alternative. This thing does not have quite as much range as the South Park character generator, but that's okay.

Famous Renaissance Poets And How They'd Look If They Were Simpsons Characters (And Also Wore Anachronistic Shirts and Pants) )


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Comments 21

ajodasso July 26 2007, 08:46:32 UTC
John Donne is pretty good, too. Ahahah.


kitmarlowe July 26 2007, 08:57:38 UTC
Jonson and Donne are worryingly accurate from the neck up...


kaskait July 26 2007, 10:25:42 UTC
I love that silly, innocent, slightly crazy look in Shakespeare's eyes.

All of them are wonderful.


ladyrhiannon873 July 26 2007, 13:49:28 UTC
I love them all.Very funny.


lnhammer July 26 2007, 14:46:32 UTC
You got Donne perfectly.



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