Jokes and overdue announcement of temporary hiatus

Nov 03, 2008 07:52

To my flist, I am so overdue on posting this and I apologize. I am temporarily out of commission with a broken rib and a mending punctured lung. I do get online but I can't sit down at the PC so I stand to go through email and then wander back to bed when my legs get tired. I will be back when my rib is a little more settled because I really don't ( Read more... )

friends, jokes

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Comments 14

rkowhore79 November 3 2008, 14:07:01 UTC
awwwwwwww..i hope you're healed up real soon and back online with us. no worries about ME bootin' ya off!

that navy joke is hilarious. i'll have to send that one to my husband. he's an officer in the navy.


jeffhardyfan722 November 3 2008, 14:18:24 UTC
awwww feel better soon luv ((((angelsdee)))) lightly.

lol ohh my husband will love the navy joke. He was in the navy when we met.

That condom joke is priceless and just as funny the second time as it was the first time.


raloria November 3 2008, 14:21:20 UTC
LOL at the jokes, especially the Navy one. :P

Not to worry, hun. Take all the time you need. Broken rib...ouch. *hugs you gently* No way would I kick you off my flist. *gives you a permanent cushy bed to rest on....Jensen included* See, now you'll want to stay in bed so you can heal. ;)


luveskane November 3 2008, 14:41:07 UTC
Smooshes you gently, get better soon hon..

and lol to the Navy joke, My dad was in the Navy and my oldest daughter will be joining after she graduates =] so this one especially made me LOL


scarlett_wilde November 3 2008, 14:42:12 UTC
Soft gentle hugs, honey. I hate that you are having to suffer through a punctured lung as well as broken ribs. I hope you heal quickly.

Hehehehe at the jokes. Love the first one LOL

And a quick thank you for everything *hugs*


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