Fic - Jensen/Jared - When Things Come Crashing Down - chapter 11/14

Oct 17, 2007 21:50

Title : When Things Come Crashing Down chapter 11/14

Author : angels3  aka Angela

Beta : munimula - I played with it after, she sent it back so any mistakes are mine mine mine.

Word Count : 7445

Pairing : Jensen/Jared (very soon)

Supporting Characters : Eric, Kim, Sera, Mike, Tom, Chris, Steve, Chad

Disclaimers : They don't belong to me because if they did.............................

Warnings : RPS   M/M sex (now).  A sadly awful knowledge of geography.  This chapter is NC17 for sex.

Summary : The guys are back off Christmas hiatues and on their way to a location shoot when  things go horribly wrong.

THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH MUNIMULA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chatpers -   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14

PDF for When Things Come Crashing Down 

Late Day 6 and Day 7

*Rescue Team*

By the time the team finished going through both sections of the plane, made contact with base, and settled on a plan of action, the sun was starting to droop in the sky. Gideon opted to make camp and start fresh first thing in the morning since there was no sense in going another hour just to stop and set up. Everyone was tired, emotionally spent, and they could use the extra down time. They weren't going to do anyone any good if they dropped before they found the guys.

Chris knew Gideon was thinking that if the Jensen and Jared hadn't made it to a cabin before the storm did its worse, there wasn't a reason to hurry. If they were in a cabin, then an extra hour wouldn't change much of anything. It was still frustrating as hell not knowing if they were okay or not.

Gideon stopped by Tom's tent, knowing all the guys would be in it talking for another hour or two before turning in.

"Just got off the radio with base," Gideon said by way of greeting. "They expect the part they need for the plane to be flown in by tomorrow night, then it will take a few hours to get it put in. Hopes are, they should be in the air by early the next afternoon."

"And in the meantime, we head to the nearest cabin?" Steve asked.

"That's the plan. There are three in the area, roughly fifteen miles apart." Gideon said pulling a map from his coat pocket.

Everyone huddled around the map, squinting to see in the weak light of the lantern.

"There's one here, here and here." Gideon pointed to little dots on the map. "We'll start at the closest and work our way down, checking each one as we go."

Chad pinned Gideon with an intent stare, "What are the chances they found one of these?" He asked.

"You tell me. You know more of what they're capable of," Gideon responded, leaning back. It was a tact Gideon took with only a very few people, but he had a feeling that when they finished talking through the events that the guys would feel better than they would if he just offered bullshit reassurances.

"Jensen can navigate. He always does the maps when we go camping," Tom said, massaging his temples, where a class of rowdy kindergartners with tambourines had taken residence.

"As long as Jared is standing, he'll get them there by force of will if necessary," Mike said, handing Tom some aspirin and a bottle of water.

"Jensen watches the weather religiously especially when he flies, so he'd know about the storm," Steve put in.

"Yea but he wouldn't know it was coming in faster than expected," Chris' voice carried his worry.

"Oh but Jared's broken enough bones that they all should have been aching. He's always called it his early warning system," Chad grinned remembering the time they had gotten caught in a freak rainstorm storm and Jared pouting that his body had let him down. Jared's expression was like one you would normally have seen on a toddler who just had their cookie stolen by the dog.

"We still don't know how badly they were hurt. There was blood on both seats, so we have no idea how fast they could move," Chris stated everyone's concern.

"Seems to me, they had a lot going for them. They know how to read a map and they're strong. Even if they were injured, it obviously didn't stop them from leaving which, by the way, was actually the best decision. They wouldn't have made it staying in the plane. I know I've already mentioned that to you and Chris," Gideon said nodding at Steve, but he wanted Tom, Chad and Mike to know their friends had made the best choice.

"Jensen was aware of the weather, and you've all already told me where there's one, there's both, so they aren't in it alone." Gideon paused looking around at each of the five men. "Sometimes, it's hard to motivate yourself but when someone else is involved it can make you push that little bit harder, go that little bit longer."

Mike snorted, "Maybe we should explain just how stubborn they are. Jensen gets up when he's pulled his back out and is so stiff he can't hardly move just to show up on set to do his own stunts. Does he have to? NO, but that's how he is. Jared broke his wrist during a stunt. Did that stop him from doing God knows how many more takes before he gets it fixed? The answer again! NO. So if one says we need to go and the other listens then a full body cast wouldn't have stopped them. So again let me reiterate, we still don't know how badly injured they were," Mike finally wound down.

"We'll just have to have faith that they made it to one of the cabins. I'm going to be honest with you. If they didn't, there's only about a 15% chance, they made it through the storm without freezing to death," Gideon said as the other men nodded, not surprised by the information. Yep not dumb at all these guys.  Gideon thought.

Steve and Chris moved to their tent not long after Gideon left. The confirmation from the team leader of what all of them already guessed, a weight on their hearts. Steve burrowed into Chris' side, burying his nose in Chris' neck. He hadn't been able to fall asleep. Every time he closed his eyes he would see the pilot's frozen body. The features would morph to Jensen or Jared's, eyes empty of life, skin pale beneath the blue highlights of frozen flesh.

The third time Steve jerked in his arms Chris leaned down and kissed the top of his head, "Stop," he said softly.

"I can't help it, every time I shut my eyes, I see them buried under a foot of snow," Steve's voice broke at the end of his confession.

"What did you tell me?" Chris kept one arm around Steve moving his hand to lift Steve's face, so he could see his eyes. "You told me to have faith didn't you."

"That was before the wonderful visual, we got today. I knew it was possible but today made it real. That could be them somewhere, waiting for us to find them, to take them home," Steve had to stop talking, the lump in his throat threatening to dissolve out his tear ducts.

"They are waiting for us to find them and take them home, but not like that. They're safe and warm, just waiting for the calvary." Chris leaned down, placing a gentle kiss at the corner of Steve's mouth. "And if they're not, we'll get some of that hoodoo, they use on that show of theirs and make them okay."

"Yea, because that always turns out so well on their show," Steve mumbled wrapping him even tighter around Chris' waist.

"It's going to be okay. They're going to be fine," Chris whispered into Steve's hair, *it has to be* his mind echoed.


*Jensen and Jared*

Jared woke to sore muscles in places he never thought he'd have them, but that just made his smile even bigger. He looked down at the man cocooned in blankets, lying in his arms. Jensen's short hair was pointing in fifty different directions, and long sooty eyelashes rested against freckled cheeks. Jared brushed a hand lightly through Jensen's hair. He ran his fingers over Jensen's smooth forehead, devoid of the frown marks that creased it when he was concentrating, and along the corner of Jensen's eye tracing laugh lines that would appear when Jensen was happy. Jared brushed fingertips over the freckles he fully intended to count and recount along Jensen's cheeks  and nose, smiling when his fingers disturbed the silky lashes, causing Jensen to snuffle and turn his face in tighter against Jared's chest.

Jensen was not a morning person at the best of times, and unfortunately, they had no real bed, bearable food and fake coffee (Jensen's words) Jared wasn't too sure he wanted to find out if sex tamed the savage beast, but he couldn't force himself to stop touching Jensen, so he decided to just take the risk. Jared didn't know what was more amazing, Jensen curled up warm against him, soft puffs of air ghosting across his chest, or that he could touch Jensen the way he had been, since he woke up.

Jensen shifted closer to the hard body he was pressed against, not really asleep but not awake yet either. He felt the light brush of fingertips across his face, the tickle of it making him shift his face further into the warm flesh under his cheek. Jensen's mind floated over the events of the last few days, skipping from the stunning revelation of Jared wanting him, something Jensen was still scared to believe, and ending with the incredible feel of being joined with Jared in the most intimate way possible.

Jared's hand was still stroking through Jensen's hair, the other across Jensen's shoulder and arm, sending a deep feeling of contentment and warmth shooting through Jensen that lodged in his heart. Jared's last words before they fell asleep filtered through Jensen's head causing a shiver to run the length of his body. Jared must have thought it was from the cold because Jensen felt the blankets being pulled higher to cover his chest and arm, the only things exposed to the chill of the air.

Jared carefully slid out from under Jensen, grinning at the disgruntled sound that came from the mound of blankets. He leaned over and placed a kiss to the now furrowed brow, smoothing his hand across it until Jensen relaxed back into sleep. Jared hated having to move but the need to pee had finally overrode everything else. He pulled on his jeans and shirt. When he'd finished taking care of the necessities Jared pulled on his boots, coat and gloves and headed outside to get some more firewood.

The cold bit through the blankets, chasing Jensen out of sleep. He rolled onto his back and propped himself up on his elbows and looked around. Jared was nowhere in sight and the fire was only giving off a weak anorexic stream of heat. Jensen sat up pulling his clothes closer to him so he could get dressed. He needed to use the bathroom and find Jared, not necessarily in that order. He was just pulling on his shirt and buttoning it when the door banged open.

"I wish you would stop doing that," Jensen complained.

"Doing what?" Jared asked, as he dumped his armload of wood in front of the fireplace.

"Disappearing like that. It would take a lot less trips, and you wouldn't be out in the cold as long if you'd get me up so I could help you." Jensen fussed as he headed to the bathroom.

Jared just shook his head, adding wood to the fire. He knew Jensen was right but there was just some deep seated need to protect and shelter Jensen. It wasn't something he could explain much less voice. It was just a need thrumming through his veins. He watched as Jensen crossed to the sink, running the rest of the water from the pot over them. Jared stood up and grabbed Jensen's coat and gloves waiting for Jensen to turn around.

Jensen finished in the bathroom and without looking at Jared went to wash up . He thought he understood Jared's need to make sure he was safe Jensen himself had the same need for Jared. That's why when he kept waking up and Jared wasn't there he would get a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. His head would start throbbing with the fear that something had happened, that his concussion was making him imagine what he wanted most in life and that Jared wasn't really here. Jensen knew it was an unrealistic fear but so were most fears, and he just couldn't seem to believe that Jared was here with him and wanted him the same way.

"Come on then, get your boots on and you can help me lug wood if it makes you happy Jenny," Jared said, using the hated nickname to lighten the mood.

"I swear to God if you keep calling me that I'm going to show you how much of a girl I'm not," Jensen growled sitting down and lacing his boots up.

"Promises, promises," Jared sing songed. "Besides I do believe I told you it was my turn," Jared said, smirking at the flush that ran up the back of Jensen's neck and ears in reaction to his last sentence.

"Yea, well, I have a long memory, and you know how I feel about promises," Jensen grinned at the way Jared's pupils dilated. He brushed past Jared and grabbed  the pot to get more snow while they were out.

Jared shook himself out of his trance and followed Jensen out the door, trying to will the instant hard on Jensen's statement had caused. Damn man was a fucking tease . Jared growled under his breath as he hefted more wood into his arm. His eyes wandered to Jensen squatting down in the snow, filling up the pot. The coat the was wearing hung so low that he couldn't even get a glimpse of Jensen's tight ass,  fucking tease  Jared growled again, putting the last log on his stack for this trip.

Jensen grinned listening to Jared mumble under his breath, he couldn't make out what he was saying, but he had seen Jared readjust himself and it made Jensen hot just knowing he had that much influence over Jared's body. He finished filling up the pot and set it by the door before he started loading up his arms with wood. Jared was already half way in the door with his load still mumbling. When Jared came back, he picked up the pot seeing that Jensen was almost finished loading up and took it in to put over the fire. He grabbed the second pot wanting to get as much as they could so that they wouldn't have to go out in the cold again later.


*Rescue Team*

The team started out bright and early after a night of tossing and turning. Everyone knew that if Jesnsen and Jared hadn't made it to the safety of a cabin that this would turn from a rescue mission into a recovery mission. They trudged through the hours hoping they would find some sign of which way the guys had gone but knew that the likelihood wasn't great, not with the amount of new powder that had fallen. Their tracks would definitely be covered, and even if they had dug a pit to make a fire which was doubtful. Unless they happened to stumble in the hole, they would walk right past it.

Tom and Chad were teamed together, Mike had teamed with the medic, who's name he had found out was Shawn, and of course Chris wasn't having Steve teamed with anyone but him. They were all carrying on individual conversations, but each instinctively knew where the other was. It was a habit they had developed early on when they started going on camping trips together. It had saved each of their asses on more than one occasion.

Mike looked over at Shawn, trying to get a read on the guy before he started a conversation. Shawn was amused at the quick hit and run looks. He knew he was what most people termed as quiet and that seemed to make it a given that he needed to be made to talk. Shawn finally broke when Mike looked his way again then focused on where he was walking.

"Go ahead and ask," Shawn said in an amused voice.

"What do you mean?" Mike asked, grinning the whole time.

"You know exactly what I mean. What do you want to know?" Shawn said as he stopped, realizing that he had done exactly what people always did to him, break the silence because it was driving them nuts.

"Well my first question was going to be what do you do when your not playing hero, but now I have to know if you do the silent thing because that's you, or if you want to see how long it takes to crack the person hanging with you?" Mike's grin getting even bigger as he kept walking so that Shawn had to jog a couple of steps to catch up.

Shawn snorted, "I don't try to do anything, it's not my fault that folks can't stand quiet."

"Oh yeah I'm going to be hanging with you the rest of the time. Me and Chad we talk so much we can't get a word in over the other if we tried, and I know you and Tom walked half the day yesterday not saying a thing, because he's all into the quiet thing too," Mike informed him, snickering when Shawn rolled his eyes.

"I'm not into the quiet thing, just if there's nothing to say no sense wasting my breath," Shawn informed him.

"Oh my God you're twins right, separated at birth! This is why I look like the crazy one in our friendship because I have to do the talking and acting out for the both of us," Mike complained.

Shawn choked on a laugh, "Maybe you should just do your own thing and not worry about filling in for Tom."

Mike cocked his head to the side, thinking about it for a minute. "Nah, what would be the fun in that?"

"That's what I thought," Shawn replied, trying hard not to laugh again, he knew it would only encourage Mike. "As for your original question, I work at one of the medical clinics. We take turns coming on the search and rescue teams."

"You an intern?" Mike asked because, really this kid couldn't be a doctor. He looked younger than Jared.

"No, I'm a doctor, and yes, I know I'm young, but I'm not that young," Shawn answered. "I finished school a couple years early. Seems I have brains as well as looks," he said grinning at Mike's look of disbelief.

"Couple of years my ass," Mike responded looking at Shawn again. "What were you twenty when you finished college?"

"No, I was nineteen actually, but then I still had medical school and my internship," Shawn explained.

"Oh and by the way, if you were my cup of tea, I'd have to say yea you got the looks too," Mike cackled at the blush crawling up Shawn's neck.


Tom looked up at Mike's insane laugh before glancing over at Steve who walked a few feet back.

"Should we rescue him?" Tom asked as he looked back at the medic and Mike.

"Nah, I think he can handle it," Steve said as he focused on the tree line that had come into view a little over ten minutes ago.

"We can just barely handle him, and we know him," Tom shot back. "I'm not so sure Shawn is Mike proof."

"I think Shawn's a lot tougher than he acts," Chris broke in. "I heard him going toe to toe with Gideon about something the other day."

"They were fighting?" Chad asked.

"No, more like disagreeing on a course of action, I wasn't really paying attention to what it was," Chris said, nodding his head at the back of the two men they had been discussing.

"Huh," Tom grunted. "I walked with him all day yesterday, and he didn't come across as very forceful. He didn't say much of anything, unless I asked him a question."

"Well Tom, you're not exactly overflowing with conversation on a normal bases either," Steve grinned at the glare Tom shot him.

Chad looked up at where Mike and Shawn seemed to be carrying on an animated conversation, "It doesn't look like he's shy to me."

Gideon cut off Tom's reply with a sharp whistle. They were about an hour away from the tree line and maybe an hour and a half away from the first cabin marked on the map. Everyone sat down, catching their breaths and relaxing sore tense muscles. Gideon told everyone that they would be moving out in thirty and to go ahead and snack on whatever they had within quick reach. They would make camp at the cabin when they reached it whether the guys were there or not.

When they started out again it was with the hope that they would soon be reunited with their friends. Gideon told them, that as soon as they made camp, he wanted to call in and see if that part for the helicopter had made it to the base camp yet.

The closer they got to the cabin, the quieter everyone became. Chris knew it wasn't looking good. There was no smoke pouring from the chimney, which would have been the case if the guys were there. So either they weren't at this one, or they hadn't been in any shape to start a fire, meaning the guys had made it to the cabin but no further. It took them two hours to make the tree line and the cabin. Gideon went first wanting to soften the blow if it was going to be a recovery. When he opened the door, he let out a sigh of relief.

Chad could tell by the relaxation in the set of Gideon's shoulders that they hadn't found bodies. It still meant the guys were out there somewhere, and there was still a chance they were alive. Gideon let them all know that Jensen and Jared were not there, and it looked like they never had been. They set up camp everyone just barely fitting in the cabin. Chris and Chad stacked wood while the rest of the team set about rolling out bags and getting food ready. Gideon made contact and learned that the part had indeed made it and they were working on getting it installed at that very moment.


*Jensen and Jared*

When they finished outside, they chose a couple of packages of mystery food and set about getting something to eat. Jensen settled on the floor, taking the weight off his ankle. While it was much better than it had been, it still wouldn't support him for long stretches of time without rest. He had no intention of letting it regress to the way was after the crash. He wouldn't be able to help Jared if that happened.

Jared watched as Jensen sat down, heaving an internal sigh of relief. He had seen the disguised winces but for once kept his mouth shut. There was only so much pushing he could do before Jensen shut him down completely, so when Jensen took the opportunity to rest his ankle without being asked, Jared was more than pleased. He busied himself with finishing up the meal and getting the snow melted down so they would have something to drink.

Jared left the rest of the water on the stove to heat so they would have warm water to wash with. Jared had been ecstatic that on top of the extra clothes Jensen had packed him in the duffle, his friend had included his toiletries as well. It was pure heaven just to be able to brush his teeth, and while he hated taking a bath when he was eight (his mama swore she used to have to chase him through the neighborhood) that was a long time ago, thank you very much.

Jensen watched Jared's movements as he finished getting their meal together. He wondered if anyone had ever truly watched the man move. Jared had an easy grace to everything he did. It had driven him crazy on more than one occasion. Jensen couldn't help think about what would happen when they finally made it back to civilization. He knew that he didn't want this to end. In all honesty, he didn't know if he would survive it if it did, and that scared the shit out of him. Jensen couldn't remember a time when he had this much of himself invested in anything. Sure his acting was important but if something happened, and he never acted again, he knew he'd manage, but to not have Jared?  He felt like he was suffocating every time he even imagined it.

Jared knew when he was being watched. While he didn't get harassed on the street he could always feel when someone's eyes were following him. He could almost hear Jensen's brain tumbling over thoughts and worries. His friend never could just accept things, especially if it was something good. Jensen was always waiting for the other shoe to drop. If it was good news Jensen always wanted to know what the bad was or what was the catch. Jared hated that Jensen had been hurt and disappointed so many times in life that he thought something good came with a price.

Jensen scooted over as Jared sat down next to him, handing him his plate of food and, while the meal wasn't the best in the world, it was hot and filling. They didn't talk as they ate because there really wasn't a reason to. They were around each other so much that the silences were just as comfortable as everything else they shared together. Jensen stood up, taking the dishes from Jared and moving to the sink to clean up. Jensen was distracted by thoughts of how they were going to make this thing between them work, and it would work, this was not something he was going to give up, not without the fight.

Jared watched as Jensen cleaned up the dishes, the sun dipping low in the sky shown through the small window highlighting Jensen in a golden silhouette. Jared stood up and pulled the water off the fire, before moving in behind Jensen. Jensen tensed for just a second when Jared placed his hands on his shoulders but quickly relaxed into the touch, Jared ran his hands down Jensen's arms, leaning in to nuzzle at his neck.

"It's going to be okay Jen," Jared whispered into Jensen's ear. Jared wrapped his arms around Jensen's waist pulling him back against his body. Jensen placed his arms over the ones encircling his waist, leaning back into Jared's body.

"How do you even know what I'm thinking?" Jensen whispered. He had no idea why he was whispering, but it felt like if he spoke louder it would shatter the quiet contentment he felt wrapped in Jared's arms.

"Because I know you. I'm not going to change my mind, and I'm not going to leave you either. I don't need anything that you have, all I need is you." Jared said as he kissed a path down Jensen's neck.

"I know you're not using me Jay," Jensen murmured rolling his head to the side to give Jared better access, moaning as Jared's teeth scraped across the sensitive flesh between shoulder and neck.

Jared knew they still needed to talk about the other things going through Jensen's head but the need to wrap himself around Jensen was overriding everything else at the moment. Jared continued to drop open mouthed kisses along Jensen's neck, scraping his teeth along the same path. He licked over the light red marks his teeth left, enjoying the small gasps and  whimpers escaping Jensen at the attention.

Jensen kept pressing back trying to get closer and even tried to turn around, but Jared was having none of it. Jensen felt Jared's arms tighten around his waist holding him in place, and seriously Jensen had never been attracted to aggressive people but with Jared it was just fucking hot. He couldn't stop the whimpers, and moans passing his lips if his life had depended on it.

Jared's lips slid up over the shell of Jensen's ear, nibbling at the fragile skin covered cartilage. Jensen was shaking in his arms already but Jared was nowhere near done with his play. He slid his tongue along the path his teeth had taken as he shifted one arm from around Jensen's waist, bringing it up so that he could cup Jensen's chin and angle his head for better access. His tongue followed the twisting maze on the inside of Jen's ear until it was slipping completely inside, laving the little hole moaning at the shudders he felt running up Jensen's body.

Jensen's ears had always been sensitive and the fact that Jared was paying such close attention to them was about to drive Jensen out of his skin. He couldn't stay still. His whole body was quaking at the sensation of Jared's tongue. Jared finally shifted his attention to the other side of Jensen's neck, giving him a chance to step back from the edge of orgasm that he was quickly approaching. Jensen groaned as Jared lavished the same attention on this side as he had on the other starting with the open mouth kisses, moving on to teeth and tongue. When Jared angled for Jensen's other ear and slid his tongue inside Jensen couldn't stop the orgasm that ripped through his body like a freight train.

"You know," Jared said in a conversational tone. "I'm going to enjoy finding all the places that drive you over the edge, and when I do," he said leaning in and nuzzling the back of Jensen's neck, "I'm going to pay special attention to each and every one." Jared swiped his tongue along the skin peeking out between shirt and hair, keeping his arm around Jensen's waist to keep him upright as another shudder rocked his body.

Jared took his free hand moving first one hand and then the other and placing them on the sink in front of Jensen.

"Hold on baby, I'm not finished, and I need both hands now," Jared smiled at the whimper he received in response.

Jared lifted the hem of Jensen's shirt, pulling it up and over his head letting it slid down to where Jensen's hands gripped the sink. Jared ran his hands along the smooth plane of Jensen's back, stroking over shoulder blades and down Jen's back watching the play of muscles shift as Jensen's body reacted to the touch.

Jensen gasped as Jared ran a finger under the waistband of his sweats, pleasure shooting up his spine. He heard Jared chuckle behind him, Jensen gritted his teeth trying to keep the next sound in.

Jared leaned back in close to his ear, "Don't be that way Jen, I want to hear what turns you on. Every time you moan, every time you whimper, all the places that make your knees weak."

Jared laid his head against the side of Jensen's listening to the labored breathing waiting for Jensen to comply. Jensen finally grunted releasing his lip from the grip his teeth had it in.

Jared pulled back, dropping kisses over Jensen's shoulder, over the nape of his neck and down the other side. He nibbled at the line of muscle, biting down at the sweet spot between neck and shoulder, smiling at the groan rattling out of Jensen's chest and the way Jensen's hips lurched forward. Jared worked his teeth side to side. Worrying the skin between them, he released his prize, running his tongue across the abused flesh, sucking it back in to darken the mark. Jared had a primal need to mark Jensen, to prove to himself and anyone else that saw him that he belonged to Jared.

It confused him. He had never felt the need to mark someone before. Sure, he had left hickeys in the heat of the moment and maybe even teeth marks, but he'd never consciously done it with the sole intention of claiming. But Jared wanted to mark every part of Jensen, he could. He wanted to be able to look at Jensen and know that whether anyone else could see it or not that he carried Jared's mark of ownership. Jensen made him feel a lot of things he had never felt before.

Jensen was shifting under the suction from Jared's mouth, mumbling words that Jared couldn't catch, Jared pulled his mouth away, tonguing over the dark purple and red bruise left behind. He kissed a path to the top of Jensen's spine, slowly licking and sucking a path down until he reached the waistband of Jensen's sweats. Jared reached around pulling them over Jensen's half hard cock before sliding them over the swell of Jensen's ass.

Jensen's head was hanging between his outstretched arms, body quivering with stimulation. He honestly didn't know how much longer he was going to be able to stand. His knees felt like jello and his ankle was starting to twinge, but he'd be damned if he was going to say anything especially when Jared pulled his sweats down leaving them pooled around his feet. Jared's breath washed across the base of his back just before Jensen felt the swipe of his tongue run across the same spot. Jensen's knees finally buckled when Jared's teeth scraped over the sensitive nerve endings.

Jared hadn't been prepared for Jensen to start folding. He got his hands up around Jensen's waist just in time to keep him from taking out his chin with the sink. Jared pulled him back up against his body, and walked them backwards until he hit the blankets. He lowered Jensen to the floor sliding down with him. Jensen kept his gaze averted, a blush creeping up his neck and into his cheeks. Jared reached up, gripping Jensen's chin and pulling until Jensen's head followed.

"Why didn't you tell me that would happen?" Jared asked, kissing over Jensen's forehead and nose.

"I didn't know it would," Jensen mumbled. "No one thats ever found it noticed what it did to me."

Jared took in the information, pissed as hell that whomever had been with Jensen hadn't paid attention to what his body's reaction had told them. How could anyone not see, feel, or hear how responsive Jensen was? Jared ran his finger over Jensen's nose and over his cheeks. He leaned over, running his tongue along Jensen's lips. When they parted Jared slid his tongue inside moaning as Jensen's tangled with his.

Jensen ran his hands under Jared's shirt, pushing up on it until Jared reached behind him and yanked it over his head. Jared shifted, licking along Jensen's jaw, tongue catching on scruff and tickling him as he made his way under Jensen's chin, along his throat. He stopped to suck on Jensen's Adams apple, loving the little moans that vibrated past his lips and out Jensen's. He ran his teeth along the mark he had left before moving to work his way further down.

Jensen hips came off the floor when Jared's mouth closed over a nipple, sucking and biting until it was pebbled and red. Jared moved over to the other nipple giving it the same attention working it until it was raw, Jensen's hips twitching every time he ran his tongue over it. Jensen was incoherent. Sensations rippled through him starting at the spot Jared's mouth was on his skin, and traveled straight to his cock. It didn't seem to matter that he had come not more than twenty minutes ago, his cock was throbbing, keeping time with the frantic beat of his heart.

"Jared please," Jensen begged as Jared moved lower tracing the fine hair running from his chest to his belly button nipping a path to his final destination. Jared lifted his head looking at  Jensen. He didn't think he had ever seen anything more beautiful or more decadent. Jensen's eyes were dark with lust, pupils blown wide so that there was only a slim ring of green that could be seen. His lips were swollen and blood red from bruising kisses and worrying them between his teeth. There were dark purpling bruises sucked and bitten into his skin from his neck to his navel, and the red flush that had moved from his chest up his neck and over his cheeks caused his freckles to stand out, begging to be worshiped.

"I'll take care of you baby, I'll get you there," Jared's voice raw with lust and love.

He continued where he left off, huge hands splayed across Jensen's hip and stomach. He teethed around the edges of Jensen's navel, slipping his tongue inside to swirl around, teasing Jensen until he was sobbing out his pleas. Jared fucked his tongue into the little hole over and over again until Jensen was gasping for breath. Jared could feel Jensen's cock bumping against his throat and chin, but he wasn't finished mapping the body underneath him and until he was Jared was going to be one stubborn son of a bitch.

Jared ran his tongue along the crease of Jensen's leg, groaning when Jensen spread his legs wider giving Jared more room to explore. Jared moved, licking and biting down first one leg and then up the other, leaving bruises over an inner thigh, taking time to mirror the action on the other side. Jared pushed Jensen's legs up so that his feet were planted on the floor, he slid his hands under Jensen's ass, giving him enough room to run his tongue across hot flesh, sucking one of Jensen's balls into his mouth.

Jensen's body jolted off the floor and the undignified squeak that came out of his mouth would have been one, he denied if he had realized he'd done it in the first place. Jared released his new toy from his mouth and took the other in, giving it the same attention. His hand moved from under Jensen long enough to feel around the blankets, searching for the lube. When his hand finally closed around it, he hummed, Jensen felt the vibration all the way to the top of his head, which he thought was in danger of blowing off his shoulders.

Jared slicked his fingers up, never stopping the attention he was giving Jensen's balls. He slid a finger underneath, rubbing over the puckered flesh he found, feeling the twitches in that little hole answered in the pulse of Jensen's cock. Jared had kept his pants on through everything trying to keep some control over his own hard on but his dick was screaming at him that it had been neglected long enough. Jared pulled back long enough to shuck his pants, laying back down and running his finger over the slicked hole again and again, Jensen's hips lifted off the floor trying to get him closer to where he needed the friction.

Jared grasped the hard, hot line of Jensen's cock squeezing at the base as he pushed his finger and, twisted it around in the tight heat of Jensen's body. Jared licked a wide path up Jensen's cock, twisting his tongue around the head, and dipping the tip into the slit collecting the pooling precome. Jared had never given a blow job before in his life, but he had been on the receiving end of plenty and Jensen had given him one just yesterday. And if Jared was anything, he was a quick learner.

Jared continued working his finger in and out, licking over and around Jensen's cock, He pulled his finger out, pushing two back in, never stopping his attention to the cock he was licking like an ice cream cone. When he pushed three fingers in, he took Jensen into his mouth, sucking him as far down as he could. The taste wasn't what he had expected. He had tasted his own come on the mouths of the girls that had given him blow jobs before, but this was something different, something addictive. Jensen was sweet, with just a slight underlying bitterness.

Jensen would have come as soon as Jared slid his mouth around his cock if it hadn't been for the death grip that was wrapped around the base. Jared growled in the back of his throat, sending the vibrations skittering up his spine, spiking lust through his brain. Jensen didn't know how much more, he could take before his body went on overload, but he was damn sure gonna hold on to find out. When Jared took him all the way to the back of his throat his hands found their way into the messy locks of Jared's hair, squeezing and then releasing with the rhythm of Jared's suckling.

Jensen couldn't take anymore he wanted Jared inside him, needed him inside him. Jensen pulled until Jared raised his head, letting the cock he'd been sucking slowly slide from between his lips. Jared's fingers were still sliding in and out of Jensen's hole, scissoring and stretching, brushing across Jensen's prostate again and again, causing shivers to wrack Jensen's body.

"Jared I need you inside me now, don't want to come until you're inside me," Jensen gasped out between jabs to his prostate.

Jared smiled up at him eyes almost completely black. He leaned down giving one final swipe of his tongue over the slit of Jensen's cock, pulling his fingers out and leaning in to capture the moan that fell from Jensen's lips at the loss of Jared's fingers. Jared squeezed more lube into his hand coating his dick with the slick substance, gritting his teeth with each pass of his hand over his dick. Jared pulled Jensen forward until his ass was resting on his knees. He lifted one of Jensen's legs over his shoulder and pushed the other until it was almost against  Jensen's chest.

Jensen didn't even realize the keening noise he heard was coming from him until Jared lined his dick up and slowly started to slide in. Jensen arched up off the floor, trying to hurry Jared along, but Jared wanted it slow, and he was going to get it just the way he wanted it. Jared continued his slow controlled slid into Jensen's clenching hole until his hips were stopped by Jensen's body. Jared leaned forward covering Jensen's lips with his, licking his way in, muffling the litany of curses flowing out of his mouth.

Jared leaned back, moving Jensen's leg off his shoulder sliding it around his waist, pulling back until only the head was still inside, he slid back in groaning at the tight, wet heat that engulfed his dick. He knew he wouldn't last long but he could tell from the thrashing that Jensen was doing, he wasn't going to last much longer either. Jared set a slow, steady rhythm, grinning at the filth that was falling from Jensen's mouth. He'd bet his paycheck that Jensen had no idea what he was saying.

Jared looked down at where their bodies were connected, watching the slow slide of his cock in and out, the puckered entrance dipping in and puffing out with each stroke. He was mesmerized and even more turned on watching his cock disappear into Jensen's body. He could have watched all day long but Jensen was begging for harder and his dick was agreeing whole heartedly. Jared wrapped Jensen's other leg around his waist and placed his hands on either side of Jensen's head.

Jensen leaned up, catching Jared's lips in a rough kiss, biting down on his lip until Jared started a punishing pace, slamming into Jensen over and over. Jared changed the angle of his thursts until he heard  Jensen gasp, he knew that he had found the perfect spot. Jared's control finally snapped, and he fucked into Jensen again and again, each thrust harder than the last. Jared was so close that when Jensen spilled over his stomach and chest, Jared followed quickly behind, he kept his thrusts aimed at Jensen's prostate, fucking Jensen through his orgasm as well as his own.

When Jared pulled out he flopped down beside Jensen, waiting for his heart rate to slow and his breathing to return to normal. Five minutes later, he finally rolled over to look at Jensen, scared he had hurt him when he lost control. Jensen's eyes were closed, his breathing deep and even, Jared pulled him in closer, reaching down and grabbing the blankets to cover them up. He smiled as Jensen draped and arm across his chest and a leg over his. He was just wondering if he should wake Jensen up and make sure he was okay when he slipped into sleep.

plane crash au, jensen/jared

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