*scratches at the door pathetically*

Jun 11, 2012 13:05

I didn't really realize until now just how much my life has come to revolve around AO3. With the site completely swamped and the maintainers struggling to get it fixed, I'm left with being able to access it only on occasion.

It's effing killing me! There's fics there that I can't read! *sob*

fanfiction: other

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Comments 22

lanna_kitty June 11 2012, 17:22:33 UTC
OMG I knoooooooooooooow

I wonder what caused the sudden upswell in traffic. Is it people abandoning FFN? (I hope) Or new folks coming over as we finally reach proper social critical mass?


lanna_kitty June 11 2012, 17:35:50 UTC
Holy crap! Those are insane expansion numbers! I'm glad they've got the cash to get more servers once they get the needed infrastructure in place. thank you for the link, I hadn't seen this one yet (*checks date* heh posted today)


jelazakazone June 11 2012, 17:37:30 UTC
There was an LJ link too, but I like DW better:D

Yeah, it's seriously insane. I think it's like one of those trifecta moments where a bunch of things came together at once. Apparently Avengers fandom is also driving the numbers up.

You are welcome!


jelazakazone June 11 2012, 17:25:28 UTC
I feel your pain.


angelqueen04 June 11 2012, 17:30:12 UTC
*sniffles and hugs*


jelazakazone June 11 2012, 17:30:51 UTC
Maybe I should start reading some of the stuff I've got open in tabs already... do de dooo.


angelqueen04 June 11 2012, 17:33:46 UTC
Heh, I hear you. I've got a few fics from AO3 saved as PDFs on my flashdrive, but one can only read them so many times before going crazy. Though, I haven't read seperis' War Games in a while... *thoughtful*


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