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Comments 5

lycoris April 17 2011, 19:25:17 UTC
I hate stuff that rags on Anne Bolyen. It really gets my goat. She wasn't perfect but people really buy into the nasty stuff of the time and don't even question it. Poor Anne Boleyn. At least her daughter got to be a totally awesome queen.

Ah, CPR on TV. *nods* It's been so long since I did it, I just don't remember the innacuracies so I am safe from annoyiance. I pretend. :)


angelqueen04 April 17 2011, 19:29:49 UTC
I hear you. Anne is probably my favorite of the six wives of Henry VIII, and she was awesome in her own right. Far from perfect, yes (her treatment of her step-daughter left quite a lot to be desired, for instance), but even today, the fiction writers still perpetuate the myths against Anne.

Heh, yes, Elizabeth was freaking awesome. Anne would have been tickled pink to see her daughter become Queen. If there was a rivalry between Henry's first three wives, the ones who had children with them, then Anne totally comes out on top. ;D

It's been a long time since I've practiced CPR too, but I still remember how it's done. Lucky you, in your own little world. ;) *bg*


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angelqueen04 April 17 2011, 19:37:43 UTC
That's a good point, though I will say that I have seen it faked pretty accurately on television too. Probably should have mentioned that in the midst of my ranting. ;)

I just can't get out of my head this one scene where this doctor is franticly trying to revive this downed reporter, and it doesn't even look like he's even trying to do it right. It looks like he's even bringing his arms up.


sheswatching April 18 2011, 03:52:49 UTC
Hm, while neither of those things are things I notice/encounter, I sympathise all the same. There are often things I'll notice and twitch and rewind and rewatch and they'll still be wrong and GAH. WHY. WHY IS NO ONE FIXING THINGS /o\


pairodocs April 18 2011, 05:15:41 UTC
Amen to both of these things! And well said.


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