You know what grinds my geers?

Apr 17, 2011 14:48

Two things:

1. The widespread myth that Anne Boleyn was deformed. In practically every single piece of fiction that I read about her, the authors are subscribing to the idea that she had an extra finger (supposedly the mark of the Devil) and/or her body was covered in moles (supposedly for the Devil to suck on). WTF authors, WTF?! There is no reliable historical record of her having any such things on her body, and such reports of their existence can only be found in the writings of her enemies (of which, admittedly, Anne had many). Anne was blamed for Henry's divorcing Catherine of Aragon, and for England's break with the Catholic Church, and as such, they wanted to blacken her name any way they could. And in an age where superstition ran rife, what better way than to attribute her with marks/signs of the Devil? But seriously, if it were true, Henry would have backpeddled away from her a lot more quickly than he did.

2. When actors do a really, really bad job of faking CPR on a show/movie/whatever. Anyone who knows anything about CPR knows that when you're doing chest compressions, you have to keep your arms straight and rigid. You're looking to get/keep their heart pumping, so that means you will be putting your weight behind those compressions, and you can hardly do that if your elbows are bending with every single one. Now, on a television show, you're not really doing CPR, of course, but it isn't that difficult to fake. So whenever I see CPR being done on my television, I want it done accurately. I have been known to throw things at my television when I see some doctor/nurse/Joe Random doing CPR and they look more like they're doing push-ups.

And that is my random outpouring for today, brought to you by AQ's Random Generator. ;)

tv: other, rl: history geekery

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