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Comments 3

rtms February 27 2011, 17:48:14 UTC
Arthur kind of came off as a jerk this ep and a little too boyish. I too hope he gets better and they use better makeup on him because I can't see anyone following him seriously ( ... )


angelqueen04 February 27 2011, 19:12:47 UTC
Yeah, I think they're writing Arthur young and immature (in some ways, even more so than BBC Arthur) so that viewers will get to watch him grow to become the king of legend. Which is a good move in terms of telling the story, because character development is awesome. The only downside is that we have to be patient and wait for Arthur to grow up a bit. Which, really, I think is going to happen now that he's just watched his adopted mother be murdered right in front of him.They're off to a great start with Morgan right now. She's evil, yes, but she's got reasons behind it, believing herself to be Uther's legitimate heir. In terms of inheritance, I suppose it depends on which school of thought you follow -- oldest son gets everything or oldest child regardless of sex. In that time period, most people go with the oldest son because boys were traditionally able to do more. There were very few women who could ride into battle and lead and defend a country at the time. Morgan's the exception, not the rule. She's clearly been well-educated ( ( ... )


rtms February 27 2011, 20:31:45 UTC
LOL, That whole 'who was she' was just hilarious.

Word about the lost potential of Morgana. I really hope the producers take note of all of the complaining and such and once again rework Morgana next season. I wouldn't mind it if she had nothing to do with Camelot next year and just focused on becoming the Fae Queen. They could really redeem her somewhat and give her a makeover. She would have two motivations now, the throne and avenging the magic people of the kingdom.

Sigh.... it's a wish really since the producers have made it clear the show is about Merlin and Arthur and everyone else be damned. If they would just expand on the premise more and maybe not cater to the kiddie market as much they could have so much more story potential, instead of remaking an episode 3 years running.


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