Starz's Camelot [SPOILERS]

Feb 27, 2011 12:23

So everyone else has watched, but I had to wait until I could get to a decent Internet connection.

My first real thought beyond calling most of the people on the screen Pretty was when the serving girl turned out to be Morgan. I thought, "In an alternate universe, Morgana just had the unbearable urge to dance and cackle gleefully." Because it seems that no matter what 'verse we're in, Morgan(a) hates Uther and aspires to kill him. Morgan just happens to be a bit more competent than Morgana, and actually succeeds.

Wow, those credits were awesome! This bodes well, since I think that the shortened, speedy credits that have become all the rage in some areas of television are a lousy cop out. *cough*Sci-Fi*cough*

Hah, so Arthur's a bit of a man whore, and steals his big brother's girl. Brat.

Kay is awesome.

Merlin: Arthur, you are Uther's son.
Arthur: ... Hah. Pull the other one.
Kay: So he gets the girl and the throne? Is it any surprise that I turn out to be an utter bastard in the legends?

Morgan bargaining with Lot, offering an alliance and being all political. God, I think I'm in love with this woman already. And she hates step-mommy Igraine. Wow. Shocker. I have a feeling she's going to hate her even more down the road.

Awww, I love Arthur and Kay being all brother-ish. *pets* Bonds of brotherhood are good. And yay! Kay's going along for the ride too! W00T!

Igraine: No queen questions her king.
Morgan: Fuck that, honey. Times are changing big time.
AQ: Oh yeah, huge girlcrush forming here. *waves Morgan banner*

Wow, Merlin, not keen to talk about past sins much? Nice moral ambiguity there. And you stalked Arthur since he was a child? *facepalm* Well, you share at least a few commonalities with your counterpart in the Merlin 'verse. He's well-known for stalking people. Does it to his Arthur, Morgana, and everyone else who gets his attention all the time. Still, he's cuter than you are. He has hair and cheekbones that could cut glass and ears that I would give my right eye play with.

Well, at least Arthur recognizes that he's the product of rape. That makes him more self-aware than most people on a television screen. Hm, if he continues to be smart, I think I could actually come to cheer him. Right now, I kind of like him because he's adorable with Kay.

Uh oh, Arthur's first kill! Will he puke his guts out?

God, the scenery is amazing!!! *drools*

Wow, Camelot's seen better days and is falling apart, but still, very cool! I got chills just imagining it all fixed up and looking oh-so-pretty! *bounces*

Merlin: Here's your allies. You might recognize a few of their names.
Arthur: Okay, ruin of a castle, but also I've got a few guys in my corner. This might be okay.
Merlin: I've also summoned every single person who is against you to come here and recognize you as the new king.
Merlin: And you've got a half-sister who, coincidentally, is really hot, but don't sleep with her.
Arthur: God, you're weird.

*BBC!Merlin and Arthur watch*
Arthur: I suppose you aren't so bad, Merlin.
Merlin: I should hope so! I have hair, after all!
Arthur: ... Idiot.

Oh man, Morgan is going to walk all over Arthur unless he grows a pair.

Merlin: This isn't personal, this is for country.
Morgan: Dude, I fucking hate you so I'm going to sit here and glare at you and make all the viewers think that we have some really fucked up history ourselves just like our BBC counterparts.

*BBC!Morgana and Merlin watch*
Merlin: Wow. She's creepier than you!
Morgana: *seethes with envy*

Hah, looks like Igraine did get her moment to stick it to Morgan after all! Of course, how could Morgan have known that she had a half-brother? Didn't she say she was locked up in a convent for fifteen years? How could she have known anything that wasn't told to her via letters or carrier pigeon or whatever? Uther didn't strike me was the type to keep his daughter caught up on the family news.

*tries not to laugh* Okay, I think I like Merlin a little bit. I loved that little smile that came over his face when Igraine declared Arthur her son (though, just how she'd know when the last time she saw him he was an infant, I've no idea). And the fact that it was directed at Morgan makes me think even more that they have some really fucked up history. Yay for fucked up history!

Ooookay, so I like Merlin when he's trading barbs with Morgan and leaving us the general impression of their fucked up history. I don't think I like him when he's kneeling over a sleeping Arthur demanding to know who he's dreaming about because if it's Morgan Merlin is going to slap him silly. Or something. Colin and Bradley could pull that scene off because they'd probably turn it into a whole comedic thing. This? Is just creepy as all hell.

Oh, and hi Guinevere! Can't wait to meet you in person and not just your dream self! And I hope you never have to have sex on sand in real life! That had to be a bitch to film. *shudders*

*Camelot is surrounded*
Arthur and Kay: OH FUCK!
Merlin: Well... this isn't good.
Arthur: MOMMY!
Merlin: Dude, suck it up!

Oh, so Joe Soldier from earlier was Loth's son? That's not good.


Though, I think once Arthur calms down, I think Loth's going to find that he's just made an enemy. In killing Mom, he just ensured that Arthur will stay, if only to avenge her.

Hm, I'm definitely eager to see more of this. My girlcrush on Morgan has been established due to her general competence and the fact that she's allowed to be scarier than Morgana is, Merlin both intrigues and repells me, Arthur's interesting but he's going to have to grow the fuck up a bit more for me to really really like him, and Kay is the fucking man.

And I have to return to this point: Morgana spent an entire series trying to kill Uther and/or Arthur, and failed miserably each time. Morgan walks in and offs Uther in the first five minutes. COMPETENCE! I LOVE IT!

Overall, I'm sold! When's the next episode?

media: first impressions, tv: other

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