
Jan 21, 2011 18:39

I want to say hello to my new flisters, who came to me by way of ella_bane's Merlin/Arthur Friending Meme. Hail and welcome! So glad you've signed up to read about my ramblings and/or my attempts at being artistic. :)

My chief fandom is Merlin, of course, though I have a decent interest in other fandoms such as The Tudors and SanctuaryI write fic, mainly ( Read more... )

lj: flist, lj: memes

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Comments 11

rotrude January 22 2011, 00:30:19 UTC
Hi, hello!
Thanks for thinking of adding me. I'll go play with your meme now!


angelqueen04 January 22 2011, 01:14:50 UTC
Hello! And yay! :D


junkshop_disco January 22 2011, 00:41:03 UTC
*waves hello*


angelqueen04 January 22 2011, 01:15:27 UTC
*waves back*


(The comment has been removed)

angelqueen04 January 22 2011, 02:48:01 UTC
Hee, indeed better late than never! My History degree whimpers over the show and the liberties taken in the story, but still, a very awesome show! I've got all four series on DVD sitting on my shelf. *bg*

And hello! :)


vamplover85 January 22 2011, 05:12:03 UTC
Hi! I'm glad to come join into your journal gonna go look around your Merlinfics. :D and I'll take a look at the meme too. :D


angelqueen04 January 22 2011, 13:51:51 UTC
Awesome! Glad you have you here! :) *hugs*


parvani January 22 2011, 06:56:18 UTC
*Waves.* Hello! I'm off to look at your meme now. XD


angelqueen04 January 22 2011, 13:52:35 UTC
*waves back* That's great! And welcome again! :D


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