
Jan 21, 2011 18:39

I want to say hello to my new flisters, who came to me by way of ella_bane's Merlin/Arthur Friending Meme. Hail and welcome! So glad you've signed up to read about my ramblings and/or my attempts at being artistic. :)

My chief fandom is Merlin, of course, though I have a decent interest in other fandoms such as The Tudors and Sanctuary.

I write fic, mainly for Merlin these days, though I do write things for other fandoms too on occasion, such as NCIS. Most of my fic is posted here, but there are some other things that are posted at that aren't here. The link to my profile is in the sidebar if you're curious. :D

Also, for the sake of my new flisters, I'd like to put up a final reminder of the current meme I have that would love some flist participation. It's been up a few days, but there's still plenty of time for more.

Below the cut, I'm going to list a total of 20 characters (10 male, 10 female). Your job, if you choose to accept it, is to pick two of the characters (can be from same fandom or not) and give me a line of dialogue/song/quote. I will attempt to write something for those two characters interacting.

You can respond for the meme here, where the characters are all listed. There are several Merlin characters listed, as well as characters from other fandoms, such as Sanctuary, White Collar, SGA, SG-1, and NCIS.

lj: flist, lj: memes

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