The Obel legacy 3.1

Aug 24, 2012 11:32

Welcome back to the crazy life of the Obels! I'm playing using the differences in the family tree legacy challenge to add to the fun. It's also a pixel_trade legacy and this update includes sims by Negomimogen and simmply_anna

Warning: This update probably contains bad language and adult humour

What's the family gathering all about?

Our gorgeous heir Izak is graduating! He was voted most likely to never leave the house.
And yes, that is Barty reading his daily dose of smut in the background

Alicia: Sally, are you sure you're not Anne Boleyn reincarnated?
Sally: what are you talking about, mum?
Alicia: your head looks kind of... detached

Then they won the lottery! So they moved into this house i built

Ground floor


Basement with the wonderfully decorated nectary!

First things first i change Izak's LTW to master acrobat for gen two of differences in the family tree (i decided i will do every challenge, per gen even the ones where you can choose from one or more). Then he gets a job as an acrobat. His acrobat name is Mondragon Longstride

Izak: Books. I spy lots and lots of books!

Turns out i saved the house AFTER i'd filled the book cases with every book from the store

I can see why he was chosen as heir. Just look at him!

They all love the water slide. Seriously Alicia spends every waking moment on it

Bartholomew: If i concentrate, and stare straight down the line of the dart i'll get a bullseye

He scored 1.

Sally got a guitar to start building up her skill in it

Izak: I want to escape... from the park... full of... *shudder*.... people

He has quite a crowd watching him. Which isn't good as he is a loner

And here is Ornan doing his best aeroplane impression

The boys are happy with their new books

Sally, the bathroom is on the other side of that wall. Did you really need to piss yourself?

Izak: Oh god! I can't see if my dinner is burning!

time for Ornan to become a responsible adult. though i don't think he could ever be responsible

Bartholomew: Hahahahah its your birthday!

I only just realised he probably laughs at every birthday because he has the inappropriate trait

He's beautiful as ever. I gave him the same hair and clothes cos he looks good in them. He rolled mean spirited as his fifth trait which really suits him i think. His ltw is to have physical perfection

Izak is absolutely rubbish on the treadmill

Hey! Look who came over! An adult Lolly looking sightly less trashy

Ornan was very pleased to see her

And this pap wrote down every one of their interactions

Ornan: I've got something to confess...

(please ignore the down walls in this pic, i'm dumb and forgot to put them up)

Back to Ornan and Lolly in a minute. i tried to get Sally to hook up with this guy, Thomas, but she was having none of it

Ornan: I love you.... and it would make me complete if you would be my wife

Lolly: Omg! For real?!

Ornan: For real

Of course she said yes. How could anyone turn him down?

They immediately have a private wedding

After her make over. She's actually quite pretty

Izak spends every spare minute at the park in conflict. He wants to get some great tips but he hates being surrounded by those people he considers far below him

Snowe: i'm serious i'm only looking for love
Brec: ... I promise this isn't a game. I won't treat you as a prize

The boys a pretty unsuccessful in their attempts to find girlfriends

Then Ornan and Lolly moved to their own home

The crowd gets bigger

Then its time to age up the remaining teens as i want to make the house empty for the next gen

Sally, whose fifth trait is equestrian

Brec whose fifth trait is party animal

And Snowe who is now family oriented. He always looks sad for some reason. Maybe because he is kind of neglected?

Who is Izak visiting at 2am?!

Its Saturn Apis (simmply_anna)!
He's there in the middle of the night because everyday she left her house at like eight and didn't get home till after midnight. she has no job or friends so god knows where she was going

She doesn't look too happy about Izak waking her up

Saturn: what are you doing, coming round here in the middle of the night?!

Izak: Flowers... mum told me girls like flowers um...I saw you walking by this morning and i couldn't sleep, thinking about you

Saturn: You're silly, but cute. I like you

She softened up to him after his cute line

What's this? Bartholomew i hope you are not arranging to cheat on Alicia with the town whore

Bartholomew: Booo! I wouldn't pay for you if you were the last woman in Twinbrook!

Oh. He only wanted to heckle her

Izak: so, Saturn. wanna come over and get at it like bunnies?
Saturn: No thanks. I'm, not in the mood *hangs up*

I gave up on him trying to woo Saturn and just got her to move in. She's absent minded, over emotional, athletic, light sleeper and ambitious. Her ltw is to become a superstar athlete

She came with this cute kitty, Kia, who is hyper and quiet. How is that combo even possible?

Izak: ... Fucking cats

Yeah, he got fleas off her straight away

Izak and Saturn woo/engagement/marriage spam

Private wedding because i am lazy

Then they consummated the wedding with hope of babies

Alicia has taken to skinny dipping in the hot tub

Izak in his new outfit. Seriously he would look good in a bin bag

Fan: Omg omg! It's Mondragon Longstride! Can i have your autograph?!
Izak: ... i guess

Izak: Fucking fans. Wish i could set fire to them

I really like the acrobat career so far. Its the first time i've done it

Kia happily dreaming about ladybirds

Ladybirds on fire! Look at the terror on her cute little face

Saturn: You know, it'd be better if you took the rubbish out of the compactor before you tried to fix it

Those waffles look delicious

Other than the flea incident, Izak really dotes on Kia

No, Alicia. Just no. You will be an elder in THREE days!

Izak: I can't believe Saturn agreed to marry me!

Alicia: I hope Izak hurries to make me a grandma. If i can't have another child of my own, i want grandchildren. And lots of them

These two were obsessed with that snake

Not just a big crowd for Izak, but his biggest critic watching - his mum

Alicia: Want to know what's better than skinny dipping alone?
Bartholomew: Skinny dipping with me?
Alicia: Exactly!

Never mind the pervert gnome in the background watching them

Gen three is officially on its way!

The postman delivered something so i sent Alicia to get it but there was nothing there

Saturn: So, you remember what you asked me the other day?

Saturn: well... you're going to be a grandma!

Alicia: That's great news! Have you told Izak?
Saturn: Not yet, do you think he will be happy?
Alicia: Of course

Saturn: Izak, there's something i need to tell you
Izak: nothing bad i hope?
Maid: *obviously listening in*

Saturn: I'm pregnant. You're going to be a daddy
Izak: That's brilliant! *punches the air*
Maid: There goes my chance of getting in the legacy

Izak: Damn, my sperm is potent
Saturn: Izak! Not in front of the maid!
Maid: I wish he'd give me some of that

Bartholomew, i put that random bath there for Kia. what will the neighbours think?

Oh yeah. Ornan is your neighbour. He's used to your crazy ways

Bartholomew, i really don't think putting your balls in the blender is a good idea

Bartholomew: I can do this. i know i can do this

Bartholomew: Crap! What went wrong?

His face haha. He looks so confused and sad it didn't work

Alicia makes a pretty scientist.

My my Izak

I bet you and Saturn have an interesting sex life

Izak: Urgh, more people wanting my autograph Yes, yes, i'll sign it

Izak is surprisingly happy about becoming a dad

Alicia got old!

After her make over

Kia is a really pretty kitty. Shame she's an elder so won't be around long

Saturn: Omg labour!
Bartholomew: Here, have a seat. you'll feel better

Izak: how will that make her feel better you idiot!

Its a boy, Aldo, who is clumsy and absent minded. Will we ever get any girl Obels?!

Then i looked at the family tree and Izak is showing as Step father so Aldo isn't registered as Alicia and Barty's grandchild. what the hell is that about?!

Also, for all you Ornan fans out there, this isn't the last you'll have seen of him and Lolly as i've decided to do a separate story with them

2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4

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