Fic: Never Happened (Dwight/Jim)

Jan 22, 2010 04:34

Title: Never Happened
Author: angelascats
Pairing: Dwight/Jim
Fandom: The Office
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 714
Prompt: Dwight/Jim, "I think Dwight has a crush on you."
Other: Written for scrantonscribe as part of a meme fic request thing. I don't and never will own The Office! Hope you like it! It's my first non-Andy/Oscar fic, so I'm a little nervous!
ALSO! For some ( Read more... )

pairing: dwight/jim, my fic, pairing: jim/pam

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Comments 10

biting_moopie January 22 2010, 23:21:38 UTC
Oh, this was good! Love this AU - are you planning on continuing it? I can't decide if Pam breaking off their kiss is a good thing or not. On the one hand, they could have kept kissing! But on the other hand, she probably prevented a lot of heartbreak. I felt quite bad for Dwight at the end, too.


angelascats January 23 2010, 00:11:52 UTC
Thank you! I don't know, I wasn't planning on it but maybe I will. ;)

It was a nice change to write some non-Andy/Oscar--I feel I need to get away writing them for a bit because it's very frustrating on many levels.


scrantonscribe January 23 2010, 15:40:41 UTC
Oh my, this was so great! I wasn't sure what to expect since you'd never written Dwight/Jim before, but you did a wonderful job of it. The highschool AU aspect actually worked really well; that prompt really kind of asked for it, didn't it?

Thank you so much!


angelascats January 24 2010, 00:15:22 UTC
Yay! I'm really glad you liked it! I was a little worried but it was fun to write :)


officenerdgirl January 24 2010, 03:13:50 UTC
I'm a HUGE Dwight/Jim shipper (no Jim/Pam for me, thanks) so this was really awesome to read. And it's high school AU! Damn, now I've got another plot bunny that I can't write because of all my homework assignments. ;P

Really nice to see another slash pairing from you, though I always love your Oscar/Andy.


angelascats January 24 2010, 05:58:15 UTC
^_^ Thank you, hon! I'm so glad.


keepmeturning51 January 25 2010, 20:04:22 UTC
This was sooooooooooo good! This is some sweet AU!!! XD


angelascats January 26 2010, 00:00:36 UTC
aww thank yoU!


awils1 February 6 2010, 23:27:38 UTC
High school AU! Not to mention I knew a guy exactly as annoying as Dwight is, so it's amazing how well Dwight would be a fit in a school :).

Well done -- I look forward to more!


angelascats February 6 2010, 23:29:48 UTC
yay! thank you! I knew a kid kind of like him in high school, too. I think every school has their Dwight.


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