Fic: Never Happened (Dwight/Jim)

Jan 22, 2010 04:34

Title: Never Happened
Author: angelascats
Pairing: Dwight/Jim
Fandom: The Office
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 714
Prompt: Dwight/Jim, "I think Dwight has a crush on you."
Other: Written for scrantonscribe as part of a meme fic request thing. I don't and never will own The Office! Hope you like it! It's my first non-Andy/Oscar fic, so I'm a little nervous!
ALSO! For some reason I felt the urge to write it as a high school AU fic, so I hope that's okay. :)

Dwight raised his hand, waving it impatiently until Mr. Scott finally called on him.

“Yes, Dwight?”

“Jim is passing notes in again.” He turned to glare at his classmate sitting next to him. “I think you should read it in front of the class.”

Mr. Scott sighed, clearly exasperated with him. “Dwight, just shut up. Jim, stop passing notes to Pam. We all know you like each other but you can write love poems on your own time. Seriously, guys.”

Mr. Scott turned his back to the board to continue writing the homework assignment for the weekend.

Pam leaned over to Jim. “I think Dwight has a crush on you,” she whispered.

“I do not, Pam!! That is absurd!”

Pam giggled, covering her mouth when Mr. Scott turned around.

The bell rang and all the students hurried out to catch their buses, save Dwight who stayed behind every Friday afternoon to help the teacher grade tests and clean the classroom.


Jim slammed his locker door shut. “I think I'm gonna play a little prank on Dwight.”

Pam's eyes sparkled. “Yeah? What are you gonna do?”

Jim whispered his plan into her ear. Pam's eyes widened and she doubled over laughing.

Jim winked. “I don't know if I'll be able to do it with a straight face, though.”

Pam kissed him on the cheek. “I'm sure you'll do fine. Just pretend it's me. And tell me about it tonight, 'kay?”

“Absolutely I will,” Jim deadpanned.

Pam ran to catch her bus, waving behind her.


At 4:30 Dwight stood at his locker in the vacant hallway, organizing his textbooks one last time before the weekend and deciding which ones to bring home to read.

A hand slammed the door shut and Dwight spun around to see Jim hovering over him, trapping him against his locker.

Dwight was not amused. “What are you doing here?”

“Just seeing how you're doing, buddy.” Jim looked around, then leaned closer, enough to where Dwight could taste the mint on his breath. “I heard you have a crush on me.”

“I absolutely do not!” he cried. “You just heard that from Pam. I was there.”

Jim smirked. “Yeah? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe I just noticed all the body signals you've been sending me.”

Dwight scoffed. “I seriously doubt that you would be able to detect such subtle movements, even if they were directed at you.”


“Yes, now if you'll excuse me--” Dwight tried to duck under Jim's arm but was shoved back, his lock digging into his back.

“Don't fight it, Dwight.” Jim managed to keep a straight face as he closed his eyes and dipped his head towards Dwight's. When he was just an inch away, he opened his eyes to see the expression on Dwight's face.

Jim didn't have time to react when he saw that Dwight's eyes were closed in anticipation; their lips had already met. He felt Dwight's hands run up his sides and he fell into the kiss. He didn't think about it, he just reacted. As the kiss became more frantic, Jim pushing hard into Dwight and both of them beginning to breath hard, Jim's phone started ringing.

They both pulled away, staring in terror at each other.

Jim quickly answered the phone and cleared his throat.


Hey, Jim! It's Pam! Just wondering how that thing was going.

Jim stared at Dwight.

“Uh, yeah, I decided not to do that, I felt kinda bad.”

Aw, bummer. I was excited to hear about it. Well, I'll see you later, tonight, right? Our project's due tomorrow.

“Yeah, yeah, sure Pam. See you later.”

Jim hung up and adjusted his backpack. “Uh...yeah, we probably shouldn't mention this to anyone.”

“No, I wouldn't think so,” Dwight answered, unusually at a loss for words.

“Well....see ya!” Jim quickly waved goodbye and headed down the hall as fast as he could.

Dwight stared after him. “See you.”

He fixed his hair and started down the other end of the hallway, trying to forget the taste of Jim, hoping to God that he could live with himself after what just happened.

pairing: dwight/jim, my fic, pairing: jim/pam

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