Fic: I Think Erin Is a Terminator (Andy/Oscar)

Jan 20, 2010 19:46

Title: I Think Erin Is a Terminator
Author: angelascats
Rating: R I guess, for sexual themes
Word Count: 2289
Fandom: The Office
Prompt: Fic request meme thing: The office finds out about Andy and Oscar--the Erin thing was a cover.
Other: Written for klutzy_girl . Very corny, but I hope you enjoy it, dear! I never have and never will own The Office or any of its characters. Also, this is the first fic I've done where I didn't make Erin mean or some sort of sex fiend. I felt kind of bad about that. Also, I don't really like this, but I'm not going to start over because I'm too lazy.

Andy was writhing with pleasure-the heat of their skin, the wonderful friction...he was lost in the feelings and he moaned as he lifted his hips.

“Oscar!” he cried.

The motion on top of him paused and the bed stopped creaking. He peeked an eye open.

“Excuse me?” said Erin.

Andy opened his other eye slowly. “..What?”

Erin sat up completely. “Did you just say 'Oscar'?”

Andy shook his head. “No! I didn't! I said 'oh...scare...'” Andy trailed off.

Erin glared at him a moment longer before scoffing and getting off the bed. Andy sat up as she began dressing.

“No, Erin!” he faked a laugh. “Why would I say that, c'mon!”

Erin pulled her pants up. “Obviously you have a thing for Oscar. It's not that complicated.”

“What? Dude, I'm not gay. I mean, not that there's anything wrong with that...I know a ton of gay dudes...but, like...I'm not into dudes at all!”

Erin turned to him and crossed her arms. “Really, Andy? Then why would you call out a guy's name in bed?”

“Well...I don't know, I guess I've been thinking about him 'cause we haven't hung out a lot lately...but I mean, I can't like him like that, 'cause I'm not gay.”

Andy totally had this down. I mean, it made sense, right?

Erin sat at the edge of the bed, her coat folded over her arms.

“Listen to me very carefully,” she said quietly. “Did you know that it's possible to be attracted to men and women, Andy?”

Andy cocked his head. “But...”

“Yeah, real shocker, huh?”

“But I really like you!” he protested.

“Apparently not enough.”

Andy looked down at his hands.

“Look, Andy, I'm gonna go. I'll call you later.”

“Okay.” Andy sniffled.


As she closed the door behind her, Andy flopped back down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. He'd been fighting these feelings for months, but when he saw Erin, he seemed to put his sexual identity crisis on hold and he focused on wooing the fair Lady Hannon.. She was totally sweet and cute and way nicer than Angela and she seemed totally into him.

He would still have fleeting thoughts of Oscar after they began dating; flashbacks of him laughing at a joke Andy told or the intense staring-into-your-soul kind of look he gave. He attributed these thoughts to the fact they hadn't seen each other much, what with Matt, and now Erin.

But when he began imagining that it was Oscar he was kissing, that it was his tongue gently circling the tip of Andy's, and his beautiful Latino hands lifting his sweater vest to explore his skin..and that he liked it...he knew he was in trouble.

When Erin called later that night, he pleaded with her to stay. After half an hour of crying and arguing she was ready to hang up.

“Look, Andy, you need to figure this Oscar thing out. I know you like me, need to decide.”

Andy sobbed a little into the phone. “But...okay.”

“And you actually need to figure it out, too. You can't just pretend to think about it for a day and then tell me you're over him. If you really like him that much, you should be with him. It's not gonna do us any good to stay together.”

“....okay. But, please don't tell anyone! I don't want everyone spreading rumors that I'm gay again. I can't deal with that again.”

“Fine, Andy. At work, we're a couple. But we're definitely at least on a break.”

Andy cringed. “Okay...”



“Are you gonna hang up?”

“You hang up first.”

“I'm not doing this, Andy.” Erin hung up.

Andy stared at the phone for a minute before setting it on the cradle. He sighed, turned the lights off, curled up and cried himself to sleep.


When they returned to work on Monday, Andy tried his best to be his cheery self so as not to raise suspicion. He looked at the reception desk as little as possible, which only made him look in Oscar's direction more.

He could deal with that.

A couple times he caught Oscar's gaze and felt that old familiar flutter in his stomach. Each time he would blush, quickly look back at his computer and fidget around.

At lunch he saw Oscar sitting alone at a table in a corner. He took a deep breath and mentally prepped himself.

You have to do this, Andy. You gotta figure this thing out. Who knows? Maybe it'll be totally hot. Maybe Oscar will dig you and you'll go out and he won't complain about the things you do for him...he doesn't seem like the type who would get mad at we're totally compatible as friends and we have this awesome chemistry and...

Andy found himself standing and staring at Oscar while these thoughts were running through his head and snapped out of his reverie. He ignored his coworkers' questioning looks and strolled over to his table.

“Mind if I join you?”

Oscar looked up and Andy hands began to sweat.

“Yeah, go ahead.”

Andy sat down, nearly knocking the chair over, and opened his lunch bag. He took out, in order, a Capri Sun, a chicken and bologna sandwich, a Tupperware container full of pasta, and a plastic bag full of Oreos.

Oscar watched and grinned. “Looks good, Andy.”

“Hmm? Oh, thanks. you want any?”

“Nah, I just finished eating.” Oscar held up the book he was reading-One Hundred Years of Solitude.

“Cool.” Andy said, even though he didn't know anything about the book. “You still doing that Finer Things Club?” It came out a little more bitterly than he intended it to.

“No, we haven't done that for a while.” Oscar looked up. “You know, if we ever start it up again, you can join if you want.”


“Yeah. Pam let Jim in one of the meetings and I doubt anyone could be less interested in literature than him.”

Andy's heart jumped a little at the likening of Jim and Pam to him and Oscar. He seemed to have forgotten about Erin entirely. He looked down and realized he'd hardly eaten too.

Oscar looked at his watch. “I should probably get back to work.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Oscar got up to leave.

“Hey, wait!” Andy cried.

Oscar stopped. “Yeah?”

“I totally forgot, do you wanna hang out tonight? There's this new club I heard, you know if you're not busy with Matt or something....”

Oscar smiled. “No, that's not happening anymore...”

“Oh! Okay, well, I'll call you later?”

“Later!” Oscar said behind his back.

Andy leaned back and smiled. The Nard Dog was back in business.


Andy and Oscar stepped into the flashing lights and thumping techno-pop.

“I hear they have great martinis here.” Andy yelled into Oscar's ear, taking the opportunity to guide him through the crowd to the bar, his hand on the small of Oscar's back.

“Two vodka martinis, s'il vous plait,” Andy told the bartender.

“Hey, I'm gonna go find some place to sit, Andy.”

“All right, mi amigo,” Andy grinned. It took a few minutes to get their drinks, but the price was worth it.

As he made his way through the dancers (several checking him out on his way), he spotted Oscar in the corner of the piano room, sitting on the couch next to an older man. As he approached, he noticed the man moving closer to Oscar.

Andy set the drinks down on the end table and Oscar stood to join him. Andy threw his arm around Oscar's shoulder, feeling a rush from both the contact and the sudden urge to punch this guy.

“Hey, honey, is this guy bothering you?” Andy asked with a wink.

Oscar caught on and grabbed the hand that lay across his shoulder. Andy unconsciously and momentarily closed his eyes, his body tingling.

“C'mon, Andy, let's go over to the bar.”

Andy wished nothing more than for Oscar to keep hold of his hand, but as they moved out of view of the other room, Oscar let go and looked at him.

“You really didn't need to do that, Andy. I can take care of myself.”

Andy stared at him intensely, his anger barely hidden. “Dude, I'm not gonna let my wingman get hit on by some fucking creep with a mullet!”

He continued to stare at him as Oscar took a sip of his martini, trying to read his body language. Just because he was gay didn't mean he would like him, Andy thought. Oscar's way out of my league.

Oscar pointed to a man across the room, a 30-something with dark hair and several earrings. “What do you think of him?” he asked.

Andy turned around. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, do you think I should go over there? You know, 'cause you're my wingman.” Oscar smiled.

“Yeah, wingman. Go ahead,” Andy answered without looking at Oscar. “...I think I need some air.”

Andy pushed his way through several people and took a sharp breath as he stepped into the cold, leaning back against the brick wall. He never should have gone through with this. There was no way Oscar was into him, and the thought that they could have something together was foolish. Andy teared up at the fact that now that he understood he wanted Oscar more than anyone, it didn't matter if Oscar didn't feel the same way.

Andy heard footsteps coming toward him and he quickly wiped his eyes dry.

“Hey, Andy,” Oscar said. “Are you all right?”

Andy shook his head. “No, dude. I'm not. I just...I totally fucked things up in my life.”

“What do you mean?”

Andy sighed. “Erin and I had a huge fight and are kind of on a break because...well let's just say she found out that I totally am into this dude and she wanted me to decide, and now that I've decided on the dude, I've realized that it doesn't even matter because there's no way he could be into me.”

Oscar raised his eyebrows. “You're into...a guy?”

Andy glared at him. “That's not the point, Oscar!”

“Okay, sorry. I mean, how do you know he's not into you?” Oscar stepped closer to Andy's face.

“I just know, man.”

“Has he told you he doesn't like you?” Oscar asked quietly.

“ I just don't want to risk ruining our friendship, y'know?”

Oscar put his hand on Andy's arm. “You underestimate yourself, Andy.”

Andy shyly lifted his eyelids, his heart beating faster as Oscar's hand slid down to Andy's. He leaned closer to Oscar, pausing just before their lips met to savor the feeling of their breaths mingling together.
Oscar pushed closer into him, his hands sliding underneath Andy's jacket to wrap around his back. Andy hummed as he felt his erection strain against Oscar's and slid his tongue into Oscar's mouth. Minutes seemed to pass as they explored each other's mouths, reveling in each other's scents and tastes and the subtle but telling motions of their hips.

When they finally pulled away, out of breath and dazed looks in their eyes, Andy thanked God that he could be so lucky.


Little did they know, as they walked hand-in-hand towards Andy's car, that Michael Scott was on the other side of the patio and had witnessed the make-out. He tried his best to keep the secret from the rest of the office, but he wasn't exactly one for keeping his mouth shut.

Within two days, the rest of the office knew about them. Angela was, of course, disgusted with their relationship, especially as she had slept with one of them and had to sit next to the other. Most of their coworkers didn't care, some relieved that they finally stopped denying the tension between them. Meredith couldn't be happier, and would 'accidentally' walked into the mens' bathroom, hoping to catch them in the middle of a blowjob, or at least making out.

Erin got over it quickly and hooked up with Matt soon after she found out about them.

Michael was impacted more than was expected; in quite an egotistical way. Of course he knew that Andy was gay, why else would he start that rumor? He knew all along, since the Winnipeg trip that they totally had “man-crushes” on each other.


Oscar and Andy lay tangled up in each other in Andy's bed, too comfortable and drowsy to clean up the mess they just made. Oscar started stroking Andy's hair and stared at the ceiling.

“Andy.” Oscar whispered.

“Yeah, Osc?” Andy ran his hand in slow circles across Oscar's stomach.

“I'm just did Erin find out that you liked me?”

Andy blushed profusely and cleared his throat. “I, uh...I kind of...called your name out in bed.”

Oscar looked down and burst out laughing. “Seriously?”

Andy pouted. “Hey, that's not funny!”

Oscar covered his mouth. “Sorry, I just didn't expect that. To be honest, though, I'm flattered.”

Andy kissed Oscar's cheek. “I'm flattered that you'd even look at me, dude. This better not be a one-night stand.”

Oscar smiled chastely and hugged him closer. “I think you know me well enough to know I wouldn't do that to you.”

character: oscar martinez, character: erin hannon, pairing: andy/oscar, fanfiction, pairing: andy/erin, character: andy bernard, my fic, fandom: the office

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