Mile High Club (Andy/Oscar)

Jan 28, 2010 18:47

Title: Mile High Club
Pairing: Andy/Oscar
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 645
Prompt: Mile High Club
Summary: Andy and Oscar have fun on a plane.
Author's Notes: My first real smut!fic.  For a request by imadoctornotalj .  I don't and never will own anything from The Office.

The plane hummed quietly as it sailed over the Canadian border towards the East Coast. Oscar sat by the window, reading one of the magazines advertising airplane services that he found in the seat pocket. Andy sat next to him, laying his head back against the seat, listening to a recording of Steve Martin.

The seat next to him was conspicuously empty. Andy glanced over at Oscar. He tapped his fingers on the seat arm, contemplating something very seriously. Oscar looked up cautiously.

“What's going on, Andy?”

Oscar became increasingly uncomfortable as Andy stared into his eyes, still not responding.

“Oscar,” he whispered.


Andy looked behind him quickly, then turned back. “I, uh. I have to go to the bathroom.”


“So...I'm like on this medication, and sometimes...I pass out when I pee, so I need you to come with me and make sure I don't faint and hit my head and die.”

Oscar furrowed his brows. “Seriously?”

“Yeah, c'mon.”

“All right, whatever.” Oscar put his magazine back and followed Andy down the aisle to the back. Oscar locked the door behind him and started to turn to give Andy some privacy.

Just a second after he heard the click, though, Andy had pushed Oscar back into the door, his mouth pressed hard against Oscar's and his hands roaming his chest feverishly.

Oscar had no time to react-one moment he was shutting the bathroom door and hoping he wouldn't have to revive a blacked out Andy, the next Andy was pressed hard against him, his arousal obvious.

Oscar quickly responded to the kiss, opening his mouth for Andy's tongue to enter. He felt Andy's erection press against his thigh and he moaned loudly. Andy pulled back a little and smiled. Oscar pulled Andy in for another kiss with one hand and traced the other underneath the front of Andy's shirt.

Andy hummed and involuntarily thrust his hips into Oscar, drawing another pleasant noise from both of them. Oscar broke the kiss briefly to plant kisses along Andy's jawline, delighting in the hotness on his neck from Andy's heavy breathing.

Though Oscar's pants were threatening to tear, he never was a selfish lover. As Andy grazed his nose and mouth along Oscar's neck, Oscar popped open the button on Andy's khakis, slowly ticking the zipper down. Andy stopped briefly and Oscar thought he had gone too far.

But he just turned his head to face Oscar and took him in for another kiss. Oscar pulled Andy's briefs and pants down to his knees and Andy bucked into him again, hungry for contact. He ran his fingers slowly from Andy's base up, circling the head with his thumb. Andy shivered and buried his face into Oscar's shoulder to muffle his moans.

Oscar smiled and lowered himself onto his knees, looking up to make sure it was okay. Andy bit his lip and nodded.

Oscar began licking the base, moving his way up painfully slow until he got to the tip. He looked into Andy's eyes, and without breaking that contact, he took him into his mouth, knowing Andy probably didn't have long and not wanting to torture him too much.

Andy groaned as Oscar made his way down, and he tightly grasped Oscar's hair.

“I think...I'm gonna come, Oscar,” he whispered.

Oscar nodded, the movement pushing Andy over, and shuddered before crying out Oscar's name.

Oscar sucked him clean before standing up and helping Andy's shaky hands pull his pants back up.

Andy fell forward into Oscar and kissed his neck and cheek, holding him tight. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to keep from tearing up. “Thank you, Oscar,” he whispered into his ear.

Oscar rubbed his back and kissed him. “I like you too, Andy.”

Andy smiled into Oscar's hair and sighed.

character: andy bernard, character: oscar martinez, pairing: andy/oscar, fanfiction, my fic, fandom: the office

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