Who's going?

Mar 22, 2012 07:59

Yes, I've been MIA for some time now. Things on the home front continue to be quite stressful, but I'm taking it a day at a time and trying to make positive changes in my own life. I keep telling myself that things will get better. *fervently wishes ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

muffinkath7 March 22 2012, 22:29:03 UTC
Hey Angela!

I'm waiting for your review of the movie. One of the few I will trust. ; )


angela_o March 26 2012, 13:10:46 UTC
Sorry for the delay in responding, Kath. Real life is challenging these days.

I think that the movie is a very good adaptation of the book. I deliberately chose not to reread the books before seeing the film and I think that was a good call. I had enough distance that I wasn't attuned to every plot line that was tweaked or dropped.

Jennifer Lawrence does a wonderful job as Katniss and the acting in general is very good. I knew that the movie would be violent, but there's a difference between reading about violence and seeing it portrayed onscreen. The fact that it's not the over the top cartoony violence you tend to see in a major action movie makes it have more of an impact as does the fact that most of the violence affects children. It's a powerful film, but it's hard to say that you love something that's so inherently twisted. All that being said, I definitely recommend it. I'll be curious to know what you think.


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