Who's going?

Mar 22, 2012 07:59

Yes, I've been MIA for some time now. Things on the home front continue to be quite stressful, but I'm taking it a day at a time and trying to make positive changes in my own life. I keep telling myself that things will get better. *fervently wishes*

However, I do have tickets to take the kids to see the "Hunger Games" at midnight release in IMAX. Anyone else seeing it tonight? I haven't seen anything in IMAX in forever. Let's hope it's not too overwhelming!

In other news, spring has definitely sprung around here. (Well, to be perfectly honest, some forsythia started to bloom in January which was more than a little disquieting.) But now things are abloom everywhere you look. Which means that pollen is also everywhere. Here's to beautiful flowers and minimal seasonal allergies!
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