
Nov 20, 2012 21:22

A couple of weeks ago at work I turned around and noticed that the guy behind me had an Iron Man action figure on his desk.  We were both between calls (we work at a call center) and I complimented it and said that I loved the Avengers.  Some other people in our row asked about the upcoming movies and I got super excited and rattled off all the ( Read more... )

wtf, wut r dis, in which i attempt to date, workworkworkwork

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Comments 8

light_frost November 21 2012, 05:24:26 UTC
OH MY GOD THIS IS SO CUTE. And you have secret admirers! Squee! :D


angel_kink November 21 2012, 05:46:34 UTC
Yes, I never get secret admirers! WUT R THIS???


jedinic November 21 2012, 05:32:09 UTC
This is Made. Of. Win. :D :D :D Keep us updated with what happens!


angel_kink November 21 2012, 05:47:15 UTC
I definitely shall.


Congrats! robynize November 21 2012, 07:46:01 UTC
Oh my, I had to alternately laugh, fangirl, laugh again, and speculate with you on this entry. How COOL is it you got to geek out and fangirl at work?! Now you have a shiny new toy, and possibly TWO admirers? AND you went on the Misha cruise? I wanna be you when I grow up, for realz! seriously though, this is really fun and exciting, I hope something DOES come of it for you, you are such a sweetie pie you deserve many good things to come your way. Keep us updated on this sweeping drama!
Again, congrats!


Re: Congrats! angel_kink November 21 2012, 08:00:58 UTC
Aww thank you <3 <3 <3


melalucci November 21 2012, 08:29:06 UTC
This is SO CUTE! I do think the two "Tony Stark" lines kinda look like the same person, but yeah, the rest looks different...maybe this person is shy and trying to hide his/her identity. ;)


hostilehippie November 23 2012, 00:19:51 UTC
This is adorable. Geek-ret Admirers!


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