(no subject)

Nov 20, 2012 21:22

A couple of weeks ago at work I turned around and noticed that the guy behind me had an Iron Man action figure on his desk.  We were both between calls (we work at a call center) and I complimented it and said that I loved the Avengers.  Some other people in our row asked about the upcoming movies and I got super excited and rattled off all the upcoming dates of the films that are planned and basically had a big geeky freak out there at my desk.  Then I got a call and had to slip back into “desk agent mode” and left my geeky conversation behind.

The next day when I came back from lunch I had a surprise waiting for me on my desk.

I’m like “whoa, cool” and started playing with it and holy shit he has a retractable helmet a;sdfkasd;ljfaslkdfjs

I turned around and asked the guy behind me if it was him and he denied it.  I’d been talking pretty loudly about this particular geeky thing, so really the list of suspects is quite large, though he was the most likely.

So for the past week Tony Stark has helped me destress between calls.  He’ll sit on my monitor or my computer tower and is basically just a fun little toy that I use to make the long boring days at the call center just a little bit less boring.  Sometimes I’ll make him battle the paper cranes on my desk.  It’s good fun.

Well, today they were delivering “Gobble Grams” (basically, you pay a dollar and they deliver a piece of paper with a note and a piece of candy to someone during the work day) and I got another surprise…

Yes, it’s to “Pepper Pots” (yes it’s mispelled, but still) from “Tony Stark.”  And that is a big ol’ heart in the middle.

And not just that, but a few seconds later a second Gobble Gram got delivered to my desk.

(ACW= After Call Work.  We can delay our next call for a few seconds to finish up the notes from the previous call.  Lots of agents abuse this to talk to each other.)

Notice that the hand writing is different.

So… what is happening here?  Do I have two Tony Starks vying for my affection?  Is the dude behind me secretly behind this?  Why is the handwriting different? Is it the same person that left the Tony figure on my desk?  Two people??  Three??? Who what when where how why???

Whoever this  is, yes, I will go on a date with you.  Just come forward.  Your geeky ways have endeared me to you sight unseen.

wtf, wut r dis, in which i attempt to date, workworkworkwork

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