(no subject)

Nov 23, 2012 06:58

I am copying this from a comment in a friend's journal because I am sick of having to repeat myself so I'm just going to say it once and for all:

I am in no way shape or form mad at Misha or anything like that, but I was disappointed by what the event turned out to be. I was thinking that'd it'd be something along the lines of GISHWHES, but it turned out to be something along the lines of a convention instead. It turned out to be something where people with more money have more access and have more opportunities to have fun that those who don't have money. I fully expected this at cons, but I was just surprised that it turned out to be the case here. I was expected something along the lines of GISHWHES where everyone has an equal chance to have fun and participate and where any extra money made goes to charity. So it just wasn't what I was expecting and I was disappointed.

But now I've been called a "fucking cunt" because of my disappointment. I've been told that Misha would be "disappointed" in me. I've been told that I "dont' deserve Misha" and that I'm not a "real fan." My Tumblr askbox has been filled with hate about this. All because I'm a little sad that this event wasn't what I thought it'd be and that it brings up a class issue that bothers me a lot in fandom. I overlook the class issue at cons because I am fully aware of what's happening there. I just did not expect this event to bring up the same type of issues for me and was a little disappointed that I wasn't expecting it. And yet that disappointement means I'm a cunt who isn't a real Misha fan and who Misha probably hates, at least according to Tumblr. It sucks to suddenly be public enemy #1 in Misha fandom because of this.

I don't know how many times I've had to state "I am not mad at Misha. I still love Misha. I am just disappointed by what it turned out to be." And yet my Tumblr inbox has been flooded with hate. It makes me just want to disappear from the fandom for a while.

I just don't get it. I hate being so hated in fandom right now. This sucks.

As a side note, I'm working that day anyway. So even if I could afford it, I can't afford to take a day off work. It's not even about me personally not being able to be there. I had someone offer to pay for me, but I declined because I can't make it anyway.
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