My offical John/Sherlock rec list

Jan 09, 2012 21:25

I've been reading so much of this pairing lately I figured I might as well make a rec list because basically...


General Fic Rec

The Heart in the Whole
Rated: NC-17
Notes:If you only read one fic off my list, make it this one!  It's 21 chapters long, but well worth it.  Sherlock is made blind due to brain damage and he's reliant on John to be his eyes.  It's beautiful.  Just read it.

Lab Book 
Rated: NC-17
Notes: I love fics where Sherlock figures out John's sexuality through deduction.  This one is especially good, very realistic, and a wonderful read.

The Asexual!Sherlock/Straight!John series
Rating: PG
Notes: No, this fic doesn't have any sex, but it's the most beautiful thing I've ever read.  It's a series of short stories so I comiled them all together in my own journal entry for easy access.

One Heart Walking
Rating: NC-17
Notes: I can't even explain what I love about this fic.  Basically this is exactly how I imagine it going down.  It's so perfectly in character I love it.

The Rules 
Rated: NC-17 
Notes: I love the way Sherlock initiates things.  I just love the whole idea of Sherlock knowing that John is attracted to him before John even realizes it because of Deduction.  And it's done quite well here.  Also it's hot.  Especially for a fic with an asexual!Sherlock element.  Just... just read it and you'll see what I mean.


Day of Rest
Rating: PG
Notes: John and Sherlock spending a quiet day in bed doing cute fluffy things.  Squeeeee.  Short sweet read.

A Quiet Murmurfication
Notes:  Sherlock must pay John back with a thousand kisses.  The relationship developement in this fic is amazing.

Hugging you is like.,,
Rated: G
Notes: Need some fluff?  Try this.  It's filled with warm fuzzy feelings.


A Study in Reflexology *ADDED 4/5/12*
Rated: NC-17
Notes: This is my favorite Sherlock/John fic in ALL OF EXISTENCE.  The first part is hot.  The second part is SCORCHING.

Undercurrents *ADDED 2/10/12*
Rated: NC-17
Notes: Three words: Crime Scene Fetish

Trust Issues  *ADDED 2/10/12*
Rated: NC-17
Notes:  This has very little touching involved and yet it's one of the hottest fics I've ever read.

Talk About The Blind Leading the Visually Challenged. *ADDED 2/10/12*
Rated: NC-17
Notes: BDSM yes yes.

Under Control
Rating: NC-17
Notes: Before you run away from the words "Hypnosis kink" please give the first chapter of this fic a shot.  It's an interesting take on D/s.  Some may consider this dub-con, but I don't view it that way.

Rated: NC-17
Notes: Adrenaline induced sex is the best.

Rating: NC-17
Notes: Voice.  Kink.


Rated: R
Notes: This is one of the funniest "get together" fics I've ever read.  Sherlock is taking a bath and convinces John to come wash his back and, well, it's short... just read it.

Rated: PG
Notes: Sherlock gets a twitter account.  Read it in reverse order.  It's hilarious.

so so gay, john/sherlock, recs, slash, sherlock

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