Title: Goodbye, Goodbye
Characters/Pairings: Mohinder, Peter, Nathan!Sylar, Molly, and appearances/mentions of other characters
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~4,400
Summary: Following the events in Volume IV, Mohinder spends several weeks in NYC waiting for his security clearance.
Disclaimer: Heroes and its characters do not belong to me
Genre: angst,
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Comments 8
I'm...without words right now. My brain is still attempting to form thoughts. This is a trip of epic proportions.
I love the way the broken up sections reflect in many ways the jagged confliction in Mohinder's mind as he attempts to process and make sense of what's going on around him. I quite dig that there are parts where, as the reader, I'm not completely sure what's going on -- what's a dream, nightmare, reality. They've all melded into one existence.
It's interesting how Peter works as this one person Mohinder can count on, ground him, and then at the end it's like even that becomes this unpredictable uncertainty and Mohinder is alone, disconnected, unbound and spinning.
Each section has these buid up of clues, to Mohinder, to Sylar, and as the story progresses the ominous feeling that Mohinder experiences is shared by the reader. Wonderfully done!
Oh, I'm so glad that worked for you! I wondered if it would be too confusing, and therefore, too frustrating, but for some reason I love mixing dreams with reality in writing, so I had to go through with it. It was a fun challenge for me to come up with the dreams, then figuring out how to contrast them with the 'real' events.
...at the end it's like even that becomes this unpredictable uncertainty and Mohinder is alone, disconnected, unbound and spinning. Aww, the way you said it makes it that much sadder. Poor, poor Mohinder! But yeah, I think that his connection to Peter in Volume 4 made me a lot more intrigued in their relationship, and I also thought that aspect was fun to write out in this fic. It was a little hard to try to make the lead up to the 'reveal' suspenseful, but again, it was a neat little challenge to keep the main characters all ( ... )
I wish that the writers would do it, but from what we've seen in Volume 3 it's like they suddenly started hating Mohinder, so I'm still a little wary :( He deserves a redemption storyline - or any kind of storyline, really - just as much as the other main characters!
Thanks again!
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