Warm weather makes for great riding!

Mar 01, 2009 15:46

We were gifted with a "Springtime" weather this weekend.

Today was another day of riding.

Congratulations to sillywinkie!
She just got her new Townie (aka Gigi) this last week.

So naturally we wanted to accompany her on her Maiden Voyage!

a few pictures )

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Comments 15

bookglowwurm March 2 2009, 00:40:27 UTC
I forgot about the time change next weekend. Yeah! More light in the evening.

I love the bike photos because I am so, so ready to out on my Townie. I should get it to the bike shop for it's tune up! I love your biking sorority!


anemone58 March 2 2009, 01:45:30 UTC
Oooh, now is the perfect time to get it ready for spring.
I might have my sorority, but you will probably get to ride with Rantie!! How much fun will that be.

Sylvia is on deck...she so needs a Townie.


daily_rant March 3 2009, 05:09:04 UTC
Do they make side cars for Townies? We might have to take Sylvia out that way!

My bike needs air in the tires because the cold made them shrivel. Kind of like me. :( If it gets into the 40s like they say, I will head out again. If I wait for 70s it will be July!


thoughtsbykat March 2 2009, 00:42:06 UTC
Tank tops & shorts!!!! Sounds like a wonderful day.


anemone58 March 2 2009, 01:46:22 UTC
I can't believe it got so hot today! It won't stay, but it most likely won't get so cold we can't ride. Windy though...I've almost been blown off my bike!


pasticcio March 2 2009, 01:12:35 UTC
Looks like fun .. just curious what the bike helmet laws are in California .. here anyone under 17 has to wear one .. over 18 isn't a law, but it's encouraged especially if you're riding with anyone under 17.


anemone58 March 2 2009, 01:47:56 UTC
14 and under is the helmet law.
I usually always wear a helmet, it's so important to protect your head.

The majority of the people on the trails wear one.


neptunia67 March 2 2009, 01:48:15 UTC
Looks like so much fun! It was a gorgeous day here, too.


anemone58 March 2 2009, 01:51:55 UTC
When they say it's all about the simple things in life...it truly is.

A day with friend on wheels is about as good as it gets for me. I just love it!

Is today the last day of your vacation? (I know I shouldn't bring it up...sorry)


neptunia67 March 2 2009, 01:56:57 UTC
Yep, the last day. Waaaaaaa!!



belleaire March 2 2009, 03:50:40 UTC
Yay for warm days and bike rides with buddies! You're so supportive of your Townie Grrlz.


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