Warm weather makes for great riding!

Mar 01, 2009 15:46

We were gifted with a "Springtime" weather this weekend.

Today was another day of riding.

Congratulations to sillywinkie!
She just got her new Townie (aka Gigi) this last week.

So naturally we wanted to accompany her on her Maiden Voyage!

Here's Gigi! She's just like Em's White Townie.

We drove across town to pick up the trailhead at Pavilion's. My friend Lonna drove out and met us there.

My friend and Townie partner in crime, Lonna on the Purple Poem!

My daughter, emmyfabulous and sillywinkie on their matching white Townies

A little trail pow wow. This is where we decide where to ride to eat lunch. The most important part of the ride.

sillywinkie coming up from under the bridge

Lonna and Emmy bringing up the rear

Plenty of Townie parking at Rubio's!

Yay! Lunch!!

It was 82F today! As you can tell by all the shorts and tank tops. It actually did get a little warm riding. But it felt really nice. Since we were just cruising today, we went sans helmet. It's rare I ride without one, but I knew today's ride would be short and slow.

We also rode by a family having a picnic and the parents had Townies! So of course we stopped to say hi and tell them they have fabulous bikes! They said they've never seen any other Townie riders out here. Well, they have now.

We only did about 7 miles. I didn't want to overdue because I know when you are just starting out riding, the last thing you want is to push too hard. My objective is to have Reva enjoy her new bike. The more you ride, the easier it gets. So we did a nice leisurely ride and enjoyed the sunshine.

Hopefully Tuesday I'll get to ride again. I need a good 15-20 mile ride. This is the beginning of ride season for me. I can't wait until next weekend...an extra hour of daylight.

I think I'll just sort of veg out the rest of the afternoon. Erin didn't come home this weekend. Em is here but she's leaving soon. I could use a nap, but I think I'll just put that off. Maybe I will sleep good tonight.

Hope you are enjoying what is left of the weekend!
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