I think the time has come

May 28, 2010 10:11

I don't think I've ever done a large friends cut on LJ. Maybe a clean up of people who canceled their journals or dropped me, but I've never done a large cut.

Unfortunately many have not posted in so long.
I often wonder how they are or what is going on in their lives.
But it's life.
Sometimes we just don't have time to sit and write. I'm sure at one point in time LJ served a very meaningful purpose. But things happen and we move forward...with or without LJ.

I've always liked to write. I've kept journals on and off throughout my lifetime.
I like putting my feelings down into words, or just document many fun events in my life.

Anyway, I think it's time to just cut my list down.
I'm putting a lot of personal stuff out there and I need to practice a bit more caution.

My cut is in no way personal.
I've enjoyed reading everyone and thank you for sharing your stories with me.

I don't feel I've been a very good friend to some as I don't comment as often as I should. I also know some of us don't really interact at all. Doesn't mean I haven't enjoyed being there.

I think I just need to have a more manageable list.
Really, no hard feelings.

I'm not doing any FB cuts.
If we are FB friends, I hope we can continue there as it is much easier to keep up :)

I wish you all the very best!
And thank you for having me on your lists. It's been a pleasure and honor.

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