
Jul 23, 2007 12:57

Isn't it pretty??
I can't remember the last time I was this excited over something.

Back in February, I really thought about buying a stationary recumbent bike. I just wanted to ride. Not just for the sake of exercise, but because I totally enjoy riding.

I bought it in San Clemente. Seriously, I did so much research between Saturday night and Sunday, I could work for Electra! Anyway, I cut a decent deal. I got $10 off the bike, $6 off the basket, free bell, light and tail light. One of the other shops I seriously thought from buying from wouldn't throw in anything.

Sandy is supposed to be ordering her bike today, since they didn't have the particular one she wanted in stock.

I brought it home last night and let Emmy take it on a spin around the neighborhood. She loved it. Then Erin came home around 11:45. I had dozed off and she woke me up just to say she was home and hi, since I hadn't seen her since last weekend. Of course the first thing I said is, "Did you see my bike?"

So I got up and showed her and asked if she wanted to ride it. Of course! So we went out and she drove it around the neighborhood. And then I had to ride it one more my pj's! Oh who cares!

So I was telling Robin about it (even though she's been hearing about it) and tomorrow we're going to Montrose Bike because she's interested in getting one. I should be a bike salesman. We should all have a bike.

I'm so loving this.

Anyway, Sandy and I are thinking about doing this ride in August called Midnight Madness in San Diego. It's a 20 mile ride around scenic San Diego at midnight. Sounds good to me. I might recruit a few friends that might want to join us. It's a fun ride, so it would be a good break in to future events.

I am so happy.
I love my new bike!
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