Your kids are never too old to support them!

Feb 28, 2008 19:38

Dear LJ Friends,

As you know, my daughter Erin, is running her first marathon in June in San Diego.

So, in case you’re thinking to yourself, “Self, why is Karen writing an entry about Erin runnning a marathon? I mean, good for her and all, but did she really feel the need to write a journal entry about it?”

Well the answer is yes, yes I did.

Because she is not only running this marathon to fulfill a personal goal, but she has joined up with The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training (TNT) to help other people in need that can’t run this marathon. TNT is the largest endurance sports training program founded specifically to support the Society’s mission to find a cure for leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma and all other blood-related cancers, while also improving the quality of lives of those affected by these diseases.

We have to raise a bit of money for this cause. But it's a great cause!

We have been personally affected by this disease with the loss of a friend and neighbor, Justin DeLong. He was only 15 years old when he passed away July 2000.

But not only is Erin running in memory of Justin, she is also running for Santa Clarita’s TNT honored teammate and his name is Evan Hutchison.

He was diagnosed in May 2007 with high risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Evan can’t run and sometimes he can’t even walk. He can’t swim in his pool. In fact, he can’t even float in the bathtub. He can’t ride his red Schwinn bike (if he beats this, I'll buy him an Electra!). He can’t go to school. He can’t see his friends. He can’t play baseball or soccer or go to cub scouts. He can’t go to the beach. He can’t even go outside. Evan is eight years young and he can’t swing on a swing or do cartwheels in the grass. He can’t fall off a skateboard or throw a ball. Evan is eight and he can’t be a kid. Evan can’t run, but Erin can!

So, now comes your part! :) You knew this was coming huh?

You can make a donation to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS).
Erin's goal is to raise over $2,800.00
.75 cents of every dollar raised goes directly back to the cause.
All donations are 100% tax-deductible and the Society’s tax ID # is 13-5644916.

Since Erin is in her last semester of college and is graduating 4 days prior to running this marathon, we (our family) has decided to take on the majority of the fundraising responsibilities.

We aren't looking for big money here. I will gladly take $5, $10 or whatever you can spare toward her goal. And only IF you feel you can. The website can take donations from all over the world, so no one feels left out. :)

Please join us in the race for the cure by making a contribution by May 15th, 2008.
Donations received after this deadline will still gladly be accepted.

You can make an instant donation and monitor Erin's progress by visiting her website at:

If a monetary donation is not an option, Erin will happily accept words of encouragement, ice packs, large tubes of Icy Hot and/or bandages!!

Thank you so much for your support!

Love, Snowiee & Erin

erin marathon donations

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