I would love nothing more than start writing the reviews that are running around my head, but I need to get something out first, cleanse it out of my thoughts, so to speak... But first, a summary:
So, Mike has been out of town last week for a conference for work (which reminds me, I need to call him...) and thus, I had no one to drag out to whatever local band or indie film was playing... So, I decided I needed some way to amuse myself, and me and this Josiah guy had been trying several times (unsuccessfully) to meet up and, I dunno. No luck for him coming to me (he seemed a bit flaky), so I high-tailed it out to Rancho, where he apparently lives not five minutes from my old neighborhood in Rosemont (which I pretty much live down the street from--which makes for a strange revelation; that is, that I always lived not so far from Sac State...).
See, this is getting rambly already... It's been too long, so my sentence structure is shot. Now. For some periods.
This is actually a hilarious story, involving a chain-smoking Bulgarian and how I may or may not have pimped out my sisters. Unfortunately or not, it also involves crystal (and not my sister Crystal, but a glass pipe possibly full of crystal meth...). Luckily, it was not I, but this Josiah fellow who was smoking it. I refused it as politely but adamantly as I could, along with the bottle of 151 his Bulgarian friend got him. He drank the whole bottle and, as one might rightly assume, things started going downhill...
Again, as a summarizer, I suck. Basically, whenever his Bulgarian friend stepped out, we proceded for somewhat awkward make-outs. I've never really done this, and I guess it showed. But in my defense, he was trying to eat my face out, and it freaked me out. Maybe I was a bit too aware of his saliva and not wanting to swap it. Or maybe his droopy pothead eyes freaked me out. Or the thought, my God's sake, I came out all the way to Rancho to do what with this guy...?
Let's not even get into the Juggalo aspect or the other gang-related stories he likes to tell (yes,
kitashla, you were so right it was sad...). He was sweet and all, but his passionate talk of how amazing I was began to wear thin after the 30th or 70th repetition (no, I'm not exaggerating). So, I broke the fact that I wasn't that attracted to him as gently as I could in his backyard among all his mother's excess tile, but again, maybe it was the crystal or the 151, but somewhere between him getting on one knee and him begging me to go out on a real date with him whilst seeing me off at his side-gate, I realized exactly why his Bulgarian friend was infinitely more attractive to me: he was fun.
I've certainly felt like one cold-hearted bitch the last almost-a-week about it, but the fact is, being sweet is one thing; lacking a sense of humor is another. Or not getting mine. Or the fact that he wouldn't stop going on how he didn't want to be alone and needed someone to love in order to be happy. Um, pardon me if I don't want to be the object of your obssession, or if your nipples freak me out. Or that kissing you doesn't feel right to me. Or that looking at your penis, I have not the least desire to touch it. (Not that it isn't nice and all, it just didn't particularly inspire any desire in me.)
Well, lesson learned. This is the second time I've made this mistake, and this time it was more crashy-burny--in some ways, at least. At least Brian was fun and I could get along with him and we had intresting conversations... Talking to this guy was too much work, 'cause he just didn't have a clue. About anything. Too numbed to his miserable life, I think. Mind-altering substances are fine and all, but if they make you more boring, I think you need a different drug.
Or maybe I'm just incredibly shallow. Yes, that is exactly the problem here. I want to forget someone who doesn't want me and find some kind of solace in the arms of the first person who expresses attraction to me.
The problem is, I"m not attracted to them.
It was kinda fun to really break someone's heart, though. Just wish he'd stop calling...
But no regret. I found out somethign important, and now the idea of being alone actually excites me... I'm not sure I'm qutie coherent enough to pontificate on that right now. Maybe in another week...
Meanwhile, I have those reviews to write! Don't worry, next post we'll be starting up with (at least), "Hors de Prix (Priceless)" starring Audrey Tautou! ^_^