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Comments 8

lj_frank_bot November 30 2023, 17:02:47 UTC
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mrarsg13 November 30 2023, 17:06:44 UTC

Приветствую автор ,на сайте Давидски нашел в комментариях такую свежую цитату
"Kristina Zhur, who works in the laboratory of the Federal Research Center “Fundamental Foundations of Biotechnology” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, spoke about a paleogenetic study that made it possible to test the hypothesis about human migration routes. A tooth from a burial ground dated 5197-4850 BC was examined near the city of Nalchik. This burial ground is one of the earliest known burial complexes in the Caucasus. Scientists compared DNA isolated from the tooth with other ancient genomes to choose one of three hypotheses for the origin of man from Nalchik. The position of the genome from Nalchik in the space of principal components turned out to be intermediate between the steppe and the Caucasus, which indicates contacts with the population of the steppe."
есть более подробно о данной находке ,дДНК ,аутосом и так далее?


andvari5 November 30 2023, 18:06:54 UTC

Нет. Это, как я понимаю, только анонс.


mrarsg13 December 1 2023, 07:41:05 UTC

вот что единственное мне удалось узнать

... )


mrarsg13 December 1 2023, 10:20:43 UTC

Вот еше

"Kristina Zhur, who works in the same laboratory of the Federal Research Center “Fundamental Foundations of Biotechnology” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, spoke about a paleogenetic study that made it possible to test the hypothesis about human migration routes. A tooth from a burial ground dated 5197-4850 BC was examined. near the city of Nalchik. This burial ground is one of the earliest known burial complexes in the Caucasus. Scientists compared DNA isolated from the tooth with other ancient genomes to choose one of three hypotheses for the origin of man from Nalchik. First hypothesis: this is a descendant of the most ancient population of the Caucasus. Second: this is a representative of the first wave of settlers who have a genetic component of Iranian or Anatolian farmers. Third: this is a representative of the steppe Eneolithic population, mixed with the local Caucasian one.The position of the genome from Nalchik in the space of principal components turned out to be intermediate between the steppe and the Caucasus ( ... )


khaa_alec November 30 2023, 17:45:39 UTC
прогрузился верх картинки. читаю надпись "всё" капсом.
чо всё-то?


irrelative November 30 2023, 21:41:56 UTC

Всё - это и есть всё. Что тут понимать?

BCE = Before Common Era. До нашей эры, то есть.


livejournal November 30 2023, 18:35:18 UTC
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