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Comments 2

fub April 4 2018, 11:59:44 UTC
We had our colleagues from Northern Ireland over for a week when we started integrating our product with theirs. Earlier we had visited them in Derry to lay the groundwork, now we were going to get into the details.
This was the week just before the summer festivities in Nijmegen: the biggest outdoor party of the year with a full week of the whole inner city transforming into a festival. So I mentioned this to them, telling them that perhaps they would be able to enjoy some of the festivities surrounding the international Four Days Marches. Immediately, the group got serious and very concerned, and demanded to know what the thousands of people from all over the world who are participating were marching for. It was only then that I realised that to them, a march is not necessarily a festive event that you'd want to watch ( ... )


andrewducker April 8 2018, 16:32:09 UTC
Yeah, the history of marches in NI (and Scotland) is pretty horrific. I hope they were able to relax and enjoy it a bit once they understood!


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