Interesting Links for 04-04-2018

Apr 04, 2018 12:00

Six reasons why Edinburgh trams project was so badly run (tags: edinburgh trams OhForFucksSake ) Our Statement from Jewdas On Their Seder (tags: Jews labour ) Ten Simple Ways To Make Renting Less Awful (tags: rental UK OhForFucksSake ) US law enforcement officers beat their wives or girlfriends at nearly double the rate of the rest of the population (tags: police assault USA OhForFucksSake ) Pasta may not be as bad as other carbohydrates (tags: carbohydrates pasta food ) Long-term caffeine worsens Alzheimer’s disease (tags: caffeine alzheimers ) Most people have no idea what the letter g looks like (tags: letter writing ) Be careful what you copy: Invisibly inserting usernames into text (tags: security text ) Three-month-old infants can learn abstract relations before language comprehension (tags: language thinking babies ) Orange Order in Scotland is on the brink of collapse (tags: bigotry religion Ireland NorthernIreland Scotland GoodNews ) The UK has no trade strategy, and the government is in chaos (tags: UK government europe fail OhForFucksSake ) What’s The Deal With Transparent Aluminum? (tags: materials glass ) The genealogy of the Saudi royal family is...tricky to validate (tags: family saudiarabia names ) And a member of Jewdas on Corbyn and antisemitism (tags: Jews labour ) On systemic racism in the romance publishing world (tags: romance publishing racism ) Japanese couple apologise for ignoring work pregnancy timetable by conceiving ‘before their turn’ There are a lot of things I've heard about Japanese business practices that make me sure I wouldn't want to live there
(tags: Japan pregnancy OhForFucksSake work viaSwampers ) 'Bill And Ted 3' Now Has A Title, A Director, And More (tags: movies ) Brexit Committee MPs demand Norway-style deal with the EU (tags: uk europe norway ) How not to fix the Irish border problem (tags: ireland europe uk borders trade ) How to interpret breaking news (tags: news ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

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