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Comments 15

gonzo21 November 1 2015, 12:42:59 UTC
'Vote for us if you want to remain part of the UK.' is maybe the only message Scottish labour can put out. Because yeah, 46% of the country will vote SNP whatever else happens, because independence is the one issue they care most about.


andrewducker November 1 2015, 12:58:20 UTC
Except that that's not a platform that makes them particularly interesting in the next election, because they share it with the Conservatives and Lib-Dems.

And also because nobody is expecting another referendum in the next five years, and even if we got one they know they could vote "No" then, like they did last time.

I've certainly never voted for any party based on their stance on Independence, and I don't intend to start now.


gonzo21 November 1 2015, 13:00:11 UTC
I think you're probably in the minority there though, no? Aren't most SNP voters fervently in favour of independence?


Watching actors do stupid things in fight scenes got old a long time ago.... original_aj November 1 2015, 13:24:21 UTC
The guy on the left is just standing there for all intents and purposes. If he stepped in while the other guy was juggling the knife it would all be over. It's exactly the sort of pointless manoeuvre that they put in most holywood movies which destroys any plausibility.


Re: Watching actors do stupid things in fight scenes got old a long time ago.... andrewducker November 1 2015, 13:25:02 UTC
You watch superhero movies for the plausibility?


fanf November 1 2015, 14:52:49 UTC
We have some of the stupidity about pseudoephedrine over here as well. I have for years made a point of not buying phenylephrine because it doesn't work; the useless stuff is only "popular" because so many cold remedies contain it.


andrewducker November 1 2015, 14:53:36 UTC
Yup! You can still get the good stuff over the counter, I believe.


pennski November 1 2015, 15:26:28 UTC
My money is still on a daily steam and my steroid nasal spray.


nineveh_uk November 1 2015, 18:22:27 UTC

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