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Comments 16

steepholm July 28 2015, 11:31:02 UTC
That piece about technology and magic reminds me of the Viz letter suggesting a cure for cancer in the form of a pill that could be taken once a day. Great idea - but will the drug companies get off their butts and produce it?


andrewducker July 28 2015, 11:52:46 UTC
I'm sure I've seen a similar one only with a car that runs on water. If only the car companies would make it happen!


danieldwilliam July 28 2015, 12:29:59 UTC
Today I saw this - I refer you to the third comment down suggesting that instead of military planners the US Navy should just hire Hollywood scriptwriters at a fraction of the cost.



andrewducker July 28 2015, 12:58:55 UTC
I can't tell if they're stupid or comedians!


nancylebov July 28 2015, 12:12:57 UTC
More about what women want-- review of Mad Mike XXL.


andrewducker July 28 2015, 12:26:12 UTC
Yeah, I must get around to seeing the two Magic Mike movies.


bart_calendar July 28 2015, 12:21:24 UTC
I am astounded that more women are searching for kim kardashian than James Deen.


andrewducker July 28 2015, 12:25:39 UTC
I'd be fascinated to understand more.

Of course, there could be that female PornHub users skew towards those attracted to women.


bart_calendar July 28 2015, 12:30:18 UTC
All the other data suggests they skew towards women.

But Kardashian in only in straight films, so presumably those searching for her know they are going to see some dick.


chess July 28 2015, 13:44:10 UTC
Or it's just that women prefer to watch porn about people they'd like to _be_, not necessarily people they'd like to _do_?


hedstrom July 28 2015, 14:15:25 UTC
Kim Kardashian? You must be joking.


andrewducker July 28 2015, 14:28:04 UTC
I hear she's very popular.


cmcmck July 28 2015, 16:27:17 UTC
They could park all those 'autonomous trucks' on the M20 with all the others then? :o)


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