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steepholm July 28 2015, 11:31:02 UTC
That piece about technology and magic reminds me of the Viz letter suggesting a cure for cancer in the form of a pill that could be taken once a day. Great idea - but will the drug companies get off their butts and produce it?


andrewducker July 28 2015, 11:52:46 UTC
I'm sure I've seen a similar one only with a car that runs on water. If only the car companies would make it happen!


danieldwilliam July 28 2015, 12:29:59 UTC
Today I saw this - I refer you to the third comment down suggesting that instead of military planners the US Navy should just hire Hollywood scriptwriters at a fraction of the cost.



andrewducker July 28 2015, 12:58:55 UTC
I can't tell if they're stupid or comedians!


danieldwilliam July 28 2015, 13:00:27 UTC
Poe's Law I think.


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