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Comments 20

bart_calendar May 6 2015, 11:38:53 UTC
I wonder... since technically Charles, Harry, William and Catherine have no last names, would Facebook allow them to create accounts?


cmcmck May 6 2015, 11:42:02 UTC
They could use Windsor, Wales or Cambridge all of which sound fairly 'real'.

What Babs would make of the first is a mystery! :o)


cartesiandaemon May 6 2015, 12:26:40 UTC
I think famous people have some way of bypassing facebook's real name thing (presumably that they fulfil the written policy of "the name you go by in real life", but someone unofficially protects them from the automated "does this name look 'real'?" scripts)

I don't know if they have a personal facebook page, but presumably they can have a facebook page if they want. Whereas if they were just random shmoes who didn't have a surname, I imagine it would be difficult.

ETA: And "Windsor" might not technically be correct, but I'm sure it would be fine for facebook if they were ok with using that.


naath May 6 2015, 13:25:19 UTC
All of "Montbatten-Windsor", "Windsor", "Windsor-Spencer", "Wales" and "Cambridge" would probably suffice. And would pass an automated "is that a name"? check.

I don't know if FB lets you create an account with only one name (it is entirely possible to have a passport with only one name on it, the law here doesn't require anyone's name to "look like" "a name" whatever the fuck FB thinks that means).


cmcmck May 6 2015, 11:40:39 UTC
I'd love to know how facebook defines a 'real name' and how they think they know what anyone's real name' is.

My 'real world' name isn't the one I was given at birth but is in every way legal and official and the one on my birth certificate, while my LJ/DW acronym, cmcmck, refers to a 'real name' under which I blog and I write my poetry under a 'real' pen name whilst I still publish under my maiden name for the sake of anyone looking to cite my work.

Confused? I am!


andrewducker May 6 2015, 12:01:06 UTC
They want a legal name - something that's on a passport, driving license, etc.


naath May 6 2015, 12:21:04 UTC
Which shows a fundamental misunderstanding of how countries not the USA construe the term "real name"

English law doesn't really bother to define "real name" at all aiui, and you can call yourself whatever you like.

I have no idea what facebook think the can achieve with this policy either, except pissing people off.


cmcmck May 6 2015, 12:41:33 UTC
Oh it does.

Having had to change my name when I needed to match it to what legal types laughingly call my 'acquired gender' it had to be done legally if I wanted a correct birth certificate.

I also had to forego any legal rights to the previous name not that that bothered me any! :o)


naath May 6 2015, 12:27:21 UTC
Re-enactment stories ( ... )


lil_shepherd May 6 2015, 14:23:01 UTC
The Black Widow's backstory in the movies is, you know, pretty much her backstory in the comics...


fanf May 7 2015, 00:26:37 UTC
Pity Amazon didn't combine the figures-for-girls and figures-for-boys categories. But still, an excellent start!


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