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Comments 31

steepholm November 25 2014, 11:50:17 UTC
Yes, the loan system is effectively an extra 9% income tax on graduates who earn 'middle-class' incomes - except of course for those with rich parents, who can pay the loans up front and save themselves bags of money in the process. It's a useless way for the Government to raise money, but it does give graduates a huge headache, even before they try to save for an impossibly inflated house deposit, think about kids, or any of the "normal" stuff their parents took for granted. And before any Liberal Democrats tell me that a 9% hike in income tax isn't very much, I'd like to ask why, in that case, they aren't suggesting it across the board, as a way to wipe out the deficit at a stroke. How would that play, do they think?

And of course Labour are no better. They, like the Liberal Democrats, tripled fees when they were in power, after promising not to do so.


andrewducker November 25 2014, 11:54:57 UTC
Oh, I agree that it's not the world's best solution. I'd like to see some investigation into how other European countries manage their system to allow for cheap (or free) university education.

It still, for most people, leaves them better off than they would have been under the previous system, and I'm in favour of that.


steepholm November 25 2014, 12:01:28 UTC
What do you mean by "the previous system"?

It's a question of priorities (not many other countries are paying for Trident). I find it strange that the country could afford to give me free education plus a maintenance grant in the late 1970s, when it was so much poorer, but can't now fund the necessary the education of the graduates it needs for its own economic survival.


wildeabandon November 25 2014, 12:22:42 UTC
About 50,000 people graduated in 1970, 80,000 in 1980, 350,000 in 2011.

Source: www.parliament.uk/briefing-papers/sn04252.pdf


rhythmaning November 25 2014, 12:12:17 UTC
I appreciate this may be naieve, but I am baffled how at tweet without significant comment is sufficient to lose a shadow Cabinet minister her post.

Would a photograph of a neighbouring house (unflagged) house have cost her the job? What if there weren't a van in front?

She didn't say anything snobby, use the terms "chavs" or "plebs" or be otherwise offensive.

All the offence was implied. For all I know she may have been proud that the house was displaying the Cross of St George.

I find it quite bizarre.


andrewducker November 25 2014, 12:23:58 UTC
Welcome to modern politics :-)


a_pawson November 25 2014, 15:54:30 UTC
Listening to a lot of (less partizan) politicians, they were mostly extremely surprised that it was a sackable offence. More like the sort of thing you issue an apology for and try not to do again. But Ed Milliband is on the ropes at the moment and being accused by many (correctly in my opinion) of no longer leading the party of the working classes. So one of his own cabinet appearing to cast a slur on that very group of people was likely to provoke an overreaction.


What I Learned From Building An App For Low-Income Americans cartesiandaemon November 25 2014, 12:23:12 UTC
Oh wow, I want to do that.


wildeabandon November 25 2014, 12:24:15 UTC
I already agree with everything in the Tuitions Fees article, and I found it snide and annoying. It's not going to convince anyone.


andrewducker November 25 2014, 12:25:46 UTC
It's clearly written by someone massively frustrated. But it amused me, and I thought it might lead to an interesting discussion thread. Which it is!


cartesiandaemon November 25 2014, 12:30:43 UTC
I'm slowly getting better at remembering you (and people in general) link to things they find interesting, not only things they support :)


andrewducker November 25 2014, 15:06:05 UTC
And sometimes things I think might be true, and hope that if I post them here someone will point out that they aren't (or are)!


cartesiandaemon November 25 2014, 12:25:45 UTC
"NASA will pay you to lie in bed, ESA will pay you to tell the truth in bed. Which guard is which?" :)


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