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Comments 13

0hh1 woodpijn November 14 2014, 11:31:52 UTC
That's a great game!


Re: 0hh1 andrewducker November 14 2014, 11:58:14 UTC
I love that it gives you hints and tips when you get stuck. I needed that last night when I first tried an 8x8.


Re: 0hh1 spacelem November 15 2014, 00:50:16 UTC
On Linux (and probably Windows too) you might be able to install sgt-games, and it's there under the name Unruly. The sgt-games typically have quite nice interfaces (particularly loopy, the equivalent of slither-link), but no hints. I generally find Unruly pretty tough to finish.


Re: 0hh1 andrewducker November 15 2014, 14:14:34 UTC
Oh yes, Simont's games are awesome. Not installed them for ages now - I really should.


(The comment has been removed)

andrewducker November 14 2014, 11:57:48 UTC
Yes. It's a difficult situation. I'm a firm believer in rehabilitation where possible, and not cutting people off from the ability to function in society is a big part of that.

On the other hand, that doesn't mean that they should be socially accepted in the way that footballers are (and there's a whole different discussion there about whether footballers should be in that situation). And in the current case my understanding is that he's still maintaining that his behaviour was fine.


swisstone November 14 2014, 13:39:21 UTC
Yes. On the one hand, yes to rehabilitation. However, he seems entirely free of any sort of contrition. Okay, since he insists that the sex was consensual, I don't expect him to apologise for something he hasn't done. But even on the best reading of his actions, he took advantage of a drunk girl in a rather unpleasant way (when he had a girlfriend anyway, who I don't suppose had given him permission), and he could at least apologise for that ( ... )


cybik November 15 2014, 10:13:26 UTC
I haven't read the details of the case, but I can see one way in which Ched Evans could be convicted of rape, but his friend found innocent: the woman in question may have said yes to the friend, gone back with him to the hotel, had sex with him, then passed out/drank more/whatever at which point Ched Evans came in and had sex with her without her [reasonably] sober agreement.

I put in "reasonably" because drunkenness is a sliding scale.. I have been intoxicated but able to know what I was doing, and I have been intoxicated past the point of knowing what I was doing.


momentsmusicaux November 14 2014, 12:49:57 UTC
There's already a porn version called Too Many Cocks.


andrewducker November 14 2014, 16:20:02 UTC
I'm fairly sure I don't want my porn to be that disturbing!


Happy Greenpeace alitheapipkin November 14 2014, 15:33:42 UTC
This kind of crap pulled by 'environmental' charities is exactly why I won't support any of them any more. They are not evidence-based, they have an agenda and an axe to grind and have apparently decided scientists are the enemy. I reviewed a report for WWF once, the methodology was blatantly designed to make the strongest case possible for what they wanted to show (the error associated with their analysis would have been enormous but they hadn't even admitted that nevermind made any effort to quantify it).

As it happens, Anne Glover's lab produced the GM bacteria I used for my PhD research, it's not like her not coming out against GMO on principle was going to be a shock or hard for anyone to predict when she got the job in the first place.


Re: Happy Greenpeace andrewducker November 14 2014, 16:02:35 UTC

I don't want a science-lead who takes a prejudiced stand, I want one who produces the solid science. My understanding of her role here was that she would pull in information from a variety of leading scientists, depending on the area, to keep the politicians informed. This seems like a valuable contribution, and I'm sad that she's gone.


Re: Happy Greenpeace alitheapipkin November 14 2014, 16:36:04 UTC
Yeah, it's climate change denial all over again - without independent scientists being at the heart of decision making, they get to push their prejudiced reports like they are just as valid as the whole heap of peer-reviewed evidence out there.


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