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swisstone November 14 2014, 13:39:21 UTC
Yes. On the one hand, yes to rehabilitation. However, he seems entirely free of any sort of contrition. Okay, since he insists that the sex was consensual, I don't expect him to apologise for something he hasn't done. But even on the best reading of his actions, he took advantage of a drunk girl in a rather unpleasant way (when he had a girlfriend anyway, who I don't suppose had given him permission), and he could at least apologise for that.

I don't quite understand how he was convicted of rape but his mate, who was the one who actually brought the girl to the hotel, was acquitted. That leads to a possible question about the safeness of the conviction. But at the moment he is a convicted rapist in the eyes of the law. That's going to be challenged, and I think it would have been better for all concerned if the PFA and Sheffield United had taken no action until after the review of his conviction had been completed.

I also don't buy the argument that "If he was a plumber he'd been allowed back", because (a) I'm not convinced that a plumber would have found it quite so easy to return to his old job, and (b) he's not a plumber. If Rolf Harris had been caught and convicted in the 1980s, he'd have found it very difficult to rebuild his career - he certainly wouldn't have got to play Glastonbury. Why should Ched Evans get an easier ride?


cybik November 15 2014, 10:13:26 UTC
I haven't read the details of the case, but I can see one way in which Ched Evans could be convicted of rape, but his friend found innocent: the woman in question may have said yes to the friend, gone back with him to the hotel, had sex with him, then passed out/drank more/whatever at which point Ched Evans came in and had sex with her without her [reasonably] sober agreement.

I put in "reasonably" because drunkenness is a sliding scale.. I have been intoxicated but able to know what I was doing, and I have been intoxicated past the point of knowing what I was doing.


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