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Comments 3

cairmen June 22 2013, 12:40:07 UTC
I really liked Man Of Steel, but I completely agree with your "morality" link. Snyder's definitely not telling a normal Superman story by any means, and I can see how it'd piss Superman fans right off.


andrewducker June 22 2013, 16:42:14 UTC
Yeah, it's definitely not traditional Superman, by any means.

It would have been nice to have more awareness of that in the movie!


lil_shepherd June 22 2013, 19:50:00 UTC
The really interesting thing about the Man of Steel debate (which has convinced me to wait for a cheap DVD) is that when the links above criticise the film they are told it is because they are fanboys, yet the responses to the professional critics (where the film has, currently, a 56% - below 60% makes it rotten - rating on Rotten Tomatoes) all accuse the critics of disliking the movie because they are not fanboys.

I hate Snyder's work on 300 and am not convinced by Watchmen for a number of reasons, though the opening is wonderful, and Nolan finds it impossible to kill his babies so some sequences in all his movies go on far too long, so I guess I'm not totally surprised.


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