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Comments 36

momentsmusicaux May 30 2013, 11:12:07 UTC
Am I missing something about that foods article -- there's no commentary I can see about why for each of those foods.

(Also, things that LOOK like an image carousel, but incur a page load, annoy the crap out of me. Sign of how far the web has come U suppose!)


andrewducker May 30 2013, 11:14:50 UTC
The information is on the right, under the next/prev buttons.

But yes, it's a rubbishly designed page, which I semi-regretted linking to after I did!


cahwyguy May 30 2013, 12:03:15 UTC
Perhaps that's why Alton Brown just summarized the information on his blog (which is where I found it).


andrewducker May 30 2013, 13:31:03 UTC
Gotcha. I think I saw this via FB, wish I'd picked up your link instead!


artkouros May 30 2013, 12:10:12 UTC
Grits and bacon is awesome.


xenophanean May 30 2013, 12:36:39 UTC
"7 Foods a Nutritionist Would Never Eat"

Wonder if a Dietitian would?


anton_p_nym May 30 2013, 16:32:33 UTC
Something to consider while I'm off to the Toothiologist...

-- Steve saw a celebrity Tweet diet advice that'd been scraped from NaturalNews; the Internet (and the society that's grown around it) was clearly not designed with source authentication in mind.


alitheapipkin May 30 2013, 12:40:36 UTC
That gender stereotyping article is depressing. I don't know whether I just have a crap memory but I don't remember primary school being such a gendered place in the 80s.

Listening to the debates about feminism on 10 o'clock Live last night and Radio 4 this morning, it strikes me that as far as British society* goes, the major step forward we haven't made yet is parental equality. Women are never going to get proper equality in the work place until it becomes just as acceptable/likely that a man will take a career break or go PT to raise his children as a woman, and we are never going to defeat the idea that men are inferior parents (and only want to work with young kids if they are pedophiles!) if we start indoctrinating children that qualities like being helpful and a good friend are only valuable if you're female.

*I'd say Western but the Scandinavians seem much better at it for a start.


andrewducker May 30 2013, 13:27:24 UTC
alitheapipkin May 30 2013, 13:38:36 UTC
Glad to hear he is still some use for something :/


alitheapipkin May 30 2013, 13:45:38 UTC
It'll be interesting to see how much difference it actually makes.

In the 6 months I've been in this job, 3 of the male developers have had new babies, 2 of them now have *3 young children* but none of them work PT and 2 of them were still around online during their 2 weeks paternity leave. Whereas the only woman who has a young child took her full year of maternity leave and has only come back PT. Nothing I see makes me think that is at all unusual. That's a lot of cultural baggage to overcome...


danieldwilliam May 30 2013, 13:42:02 UTC

That solar panel price graph is eye opening.

If wind power were able to match the cost falls of solar power we’d be looking at at a levelised cost of less than a penny a kilowatthour during the 2030’s.


ext_208701 May 30 2013, 15:32:10 UTC
Inflation adjusting would change it a bit.


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