Snarry - Rec List (Golden Oldies, mostly)

Oct 11, 2014 17:12

I've promised ad00absurdum a snarry rec list and here it is. This is a very short rec list, because it involves mostly old fics I've enjoyed ages ago. And you know how it is, when you're not in the fandom/ship for a long time, only a handful of fics tend to stick with you. Those are mostly those fics.

Five Delightful Snarrys Under The Cut )

friend:ad00absurdum, snarry, fic rec, harry potter, harry/severus

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Comments 9

sallycandance October 11 2014, 16:30:57 UTC
Wow. I am so out of this fandom that I first thought 'snarry' was an adjective as of yet unknown to me. LOL


andrea_deer October 11 2014, 22:42:09 UTC
hahaha XD Sorry for the confussion! ;D


sallycandance October 12 2014, 04:44:26 UTC
Oh, no worries. It just goes to show that I'm ooooold, haha!


andrea_deer October 12 2014, 12:14:36 UTC
Oh, lol XD No, I think it has more to do with being out of the fandom XD I recently rejoined it and they still surprise me with some names specific for the stuff in this fandom. ;D


ad00absurdum October 12 2014, 10:19:38 UTC
I thought about reading the Tea Series 'cos I've seen it recced pretty frequently. And I remember Telanu from Mulder/Krycek fandom, so now that you recommended it as well, I'll probably get around to reading it.

I've also seen "Cambiare Podentes" at AO3 but after reading the summary I was like 'oh hell, no'. It sounds so ridiculous and really, like somethng to be avoided at all costs. So, you say it's actually better than it sounds?

And I also thought about reading "A Time to Forget", so this goes to the to-read list as well.

I've just remembered that I read the beginning of "So Lonely Without Me" translated into Polish the other day. Seems a bit claustrophobic, so I dunno about this one.

I think I'll give "The Civil War series" a miss, though. Too many themes in the warings that I don't really like.

As to the recs, have you read Courtship Rituals ? Nothing much happens, but I really enjoyed all the wizarding traditions described there. And as far as I remember there's Draco there.


andrea_deer October 12 2014, 12:13:03 UTC
Tea Series is specific and sort of has a feel of a fic written ages ago in the fandom that grew a lot since then. There was lot of complaining about the OOC-iness of it, I admit. Personally I like it a lot, but I also am willing to admit that I'm not objective anymore, because it's been my fave for a long time and sentiment plays a strong part in my opinions about it.

"Cambiare Podentes" is far better than summary suggests, yes. So I urge you to at least give it a try. It's one of those "I took the most ridiculous idea and wrote it carefully and seriously" fics, which are my personal favourites, probably. ;) Also, the slow built is so slow, I love it.

And I don't think I've read "Courtship Rituals"? At least I don't remember it at the moment. I will check it out for sure, thanks :D


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andrea_deer October 13 2014, 13:13:08 UTC
Thanks! :) I'll give it a try :)


ext_3589288 November 15 2018, 12:56:57 UTC
Chrysalis, by starcrossedgirl, on ao3 is quite long, for a one-shot. (Set after Deathly Hallows, has themes of PTSD.) Harry finds out Snape isn't dead at all - and things carry on from there. I found it extremely in character - most importantly, Snape is no less 'Snape', yet the romance content is by turns both gritty and tender.


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