Snarry - Rec List (Golden Oldies, mostly)

Oct 11, 2014 17:12

I've promised ad00absurdum a snarry rec list and here it is. This is a very short rec list, because it involves mostly old fics I've enjoyed ages ago. And you know how it is, when you're not in the fandom/ship for a long time, only a handful of fics tend to stick with you. Those are mostly those fics.

1) Tea Series by Telanu

warnings: teacher/student relationship, underage*, angst, possession, written pre-OOTP.

* I say underage, though I admit I don't remember how far they go while Harry is still technically underage, but if he's legal, when they shag it's barely, so let's warn enthusiastically for it anyway. All it happens with Harry still at school.

words count: 369,173

Summary: (mine) The one in which Snape has unique taste in tea and students. Dumbledore maybe at some points starts to approve of this. Well, of tea for sure, the taste in students is debatable, but two broken boys are happier together, so there is that.

Reccers note: Well, I said it will be a list of old classics. This is like the first or at least one of the first fics I've ever read for snarry. It has clear mishaps and many people dislike it for various reasons, but I'm fond of it and enjoyed it. And of course by now it has sentimental value. ;)

2) The Civil War series by Sushi

warnings: teacher/student sex, angst, underage, angst, language, parts of it are song fics, started as an angsty PWP then grew plot and more angst, Death fic, Drama, Mystery, Psychological Horror, Rape, language, incest, alcohol use, mental illness, terminal illness, domestic violence, child abuse, child molestation, angst like you wouldn't believe, suicidal themes.

I quoted most of those from the author's page/notes, so yeah. Be warned. I can only tell you that plenty of this, including the non-con, which is important to me at least as a reader, doesn't happen between the main pairing. Doesn't make it any less horrible, but for me it makes a distinction between something I can or can't read, so I thought you should know. And seriously - be warned for the angst. Porn and angst are two main plot points here and one or the other usually moves the fic forward.

Summary: (of the first part) As Voldemort begins to assemble his forces for his final push, two bitter enemies seek in each other the strength to face him.

Reccers note: I fought battles over this fic in the past, so let me just state very clearly: it's very specific, very weird and definitely not everyone's cup of tea, okay? The first part is basically OOC-ish PWP (in that way that PWPs are OOC to move things forward quicker), because that's all it was supposed to be at first. Then it grew plot and even more angst. THE ANGST IS SO STRONG WITH THIS ONE. Personally I really loved it, re-read it so many times that when someone once tried to post a Polish translation I was correcting their mistakes in facts/missed jokes/wrongly used phrases out of my memory, because that's how well I knew the fic back then. It's obviously another old fic, but it needed to be here.

3) Cambiare Podentes by JordanGrant

warnings: teacher/student relationship*, sexual slavery, recreational drug use, D/s, dubious consent, non-con**, hurt/comfort, partner betrayal, student bullying, internalized homophobia.

* Barely, if at all applies. It does start with Harry still at school, but like his last month or so.
** Besides the non-con-y nature of the Snape/Harry getting together (the prophecy made them do it), there is also rape, but not between the main pairing.

words count: 604,622

Summary: A new prophecy comes to light, one that promises death for Harry Potter and enslavement for the wizarding world, unless Harry himself consents to being sexually enslaved--irrevocably and for life--to Severus Snape.

Reccers note: Another good oldie. One that I re-read recently, so that explains more detailed warnings, some of which are my own. This fic was recced to me by a friend and as she told me about it I couldn't stop laughing and face-palming and she finally went "You know, it's one of those that sound dumb, but are great if you read them." She was right, it's a great fic, with amazing characterisation and a built so slow it creeps up on the ninjas. So I recommend it, but I understand how the summary might have made you shake your head and move on. If you trust me at all and want to read some snarry - give it a try anyway. ;)

4) A Time to Forget by GatewayGirl

warnings: de-aging, professor Potter, post DH.

words count: 24,622

Summary: Harry had expected teaching at Hogwarts, even temporarily, would have complications -- his children, for instance. But when he goes exploring in the dungeons, the past moves inexorably into his present. (This is not exactly de-aging, but Harry is older than Severus.)

Reccers note: Fresher fic! Completely new to me, actually, I've read it few weeks ago. I was reading GatewayGirl's drarrys and was amazed at her Severus and wanted more of him. *shrugs* This fic is interesting, though to be honest I would like it more if it was far longer and more of a slow built, but that's me, I'm genuinely addicted to long fic and don't consider anything under 50.000 words long any more.

5) So Lonely Without Me by Calligryphy

warnings: trapped in a safe-house, cabin fever, depression, angst-y, mentions of suicide attempts, things used as lube that are not lube.

words count: 41,181

Summary: Two men, two rooms, a war.

Reccers note: Another oldie I re-found, because I was not okay with ending the list on number 4. 5 is not much better, but still something I can live with and I honestly can't think about 6th. Sorry, I warned it will be very short list.

Anyway, the fic is interesting, because it puts our heroes stuck together in the safe-house. With very limited supplies and not able to use magic safely. Lonely and desperate they eventually turn towards each other. I remember that I liked it quite a lot. (ETA: I just re-read it. I stand by everything I said and I still love it. I adore how Severus is not suddenly easy to get along with and Harry is not magically a perfect being either.)

At the moment though I mostly remember how I tried to re-found it via one of the more specific aspects of this fic, mainly using melted butter instead of lube. If I die tonight - clear my search history, please.

If you have any good snarrys (especially loooong ones) in which Snape is not magically a nice person, I'd be very happy if you would rec me some :) Bonus points for stories that include canon from last two books. And Draco Malfoy. For some reason he always dissapears in Snarrys, as if the author were scared that if only Draco shows up and is not completely evil, it will end up in a drarry. I don't know, man, I don't know. *shrugs*

friend:ad00absurdum, snarry, fic rec, harry potter, harry/severus

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