“If the blue meanies are going to get me they’d better get off their asses and do something.”

Apr 21, 2013 21:11

I talked over the phone with my mum. Besides all time favourites like weather, job, troubles with sleep, we mostly talked about my thesis (about serial killers), my story I will be presenting tomorrow in class (about a serial killer), new book I'm reading (about a serial killer and his copycat) and how I really should stop trying to scare my prof ( Read more... )

dialouges, mum, update, serial killers, studies

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Comments 6

ad00absurdum April 21 2013, 19:54:25 UTC
*pops like a toast from a toaster (hey, this simile could be a lot worse) with one pertinent question and a hopeful look* Krycek?


andrea_deer April 21 2013, 22:03:17 UTC
Krycek, Krycek, who was that? XDDD


ad00absurdum April 22 2013, 18:56:43 UTC
You're making Sashka very sad. I hope you realise that.

Well, Krycek is an assassin, not a serial killer - true, but you could make a comparison analysis, no? "It's just a job" vs. "It's a calling" (and who could resist such a topic? :D ).


andrea_deer April 22 2013, 23:38:34 UTC
Sorry, I got so sucked into Teen Wolf, I barey remember anything else XD Though I can't make all squee posts about TW, maybe there will be some space for good old Alex ;)


starlord April 22 2013, 05:39:06 UTC
I'm kind of fascinated with serial killers about myself (and by "kind of", I mean "very") so I'm actually quite interested in reading your writing about them. I find it quite amusing your mom is worried you might become one yourself, though, just because of your interest in them. And I kind of want to dare you to actually try and creep out that professor of yours. XD


andrea_deer April 22 2013, 23:43:07 UTC
Good to know, I will feel less weird about sharing some interesting info I find! :) I'm pretty sure my mum is joking (I hope! XD) and to be perfectly honestly I could really use creeping out the scary prof a bit myself! She scares me as well, so we will only be even XD (BTW, today in class I read a story in class about a serial killer and I think I might have accidentally crept out another prof? Though this one took it way better, I have to admit. XD)


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