“If the blue meanies are going to get me they’d better get off their asses and do something.”

Apr 21, 2013 21:11

I talked over the phone with my mum. Besides all time favourites like weather, job, troubles with sleep, we mostly talked about my thesis (about serial killers), my story I will be presenting tomorrow in class (about a serial killer), new book I'm reading (about a serial killer and his copycat) and how I really should stop trying to scare my prof by talking about serial killers with her.

My mum expressed her worry that I might become a serial killer myself.

Dear Mum, first of all, I'd expect more support in my fascination from a person, who decided that while Stephen King writes well, he's just not gore enough.

Also, I'm not entirely sure how to phrase in a sane way the fact that I feel flattered by this asumptation. Perhaps there isn't one.

Still haven't finished my squee post. You will be dissapointed with how lame it is, considering how long I'm working on it. More importantly, though, I still haven't done my philosophy homework, so yeah, bye.

Ok, just wanted to add: I will probably be writing more about serial killers (mostly fictionals) and related subject as this is something I'm interested in and am writing about, both academically and artistically speaking. However, I am aware that it's not a subject everyone wants to read about, so: if you find it triggering or simply not want to see my posts on the subject: please feel free to tell me (in a comment or private message). I will be happy to filter those entries, it's not a problem.

dialouges, mum, update, serial killers, studies

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