Resolutions. Okay, singular. Resolution.

Jan 03, 2011 14:39

I haven't been around much have I?  I mean, not in a public author blogging sort of a way.  So, as a New Year's resolution, I resolve to be around a bit more.  And yes,  you can post resolutions on the 3rd... no point in posting on the 1st, no one would have been here.

But, if y'all want me to be around and actually blogging more, here's what you ( Read more... )

writing, cats, self

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Comments 68

What I would love to know.... anonymous January 3 2011, 21:43:25 UTC
O.K. I'm new, very first comment anywhere. You are working on a book about Charlie, what about a book about David?

Also, we could use more Valor, more Smoke and ... Basically I haven't read a book you have written that I didn't love. Keep up the great work!


Re: What I would love to know.... andpuff January 30 2011, 19:41:35 UTC
Hmmm, I'm not sure I could do the Gales from a male pov... There will be more Valor after Truth (although not for two years) but Smoke is done except for the occassional short piece. And Thank you!


noblehunter January 3 2011, 21:46:53 UTC
I'll second the question about Ontario and Toronto as fantasy settings.

Also, is there a good way, other than experience, to know how much is the right amount of verbiage to devote to a scene? I'm constantly frustrated with the impression my works are too short for the amount of content, but I don't know how to fix it.


andpuff January 30 2011, 19:43:50 UTC
Honestly, it's just practise. Read a lot, analyse what you read. Apply it. Rinse repeat. Odds are, you'll never be 100% happy with anything but eventually the actual craft of writing will become something you don't have to consciously think about.

And pacing is hard. Good luck.


noblehunter January 30 2011, 21:15:43 UTC


dreamtigress January 3 2011, 22:06:36 UTC
Questions variety pack :

How are the dogs ? I know your beloved blogs about them occasionally.

How do you go about your day whilst working from home ? I like to hear about other folks experiences with working from home in different professions, how they structure their days, give themselves a schedule, etc.

Enchantment Emporium; will we get a bit more backstory/exposition in Charlie's story ?

I am quite fine not hearing about cat vomit, as with just one cat, I still have more of that then I ever really needed. How do you guys manage to keep peace in a house of nine cats and two dogs ?


spiritdance January 3 2011, 22:09:52 UTC
Since you are functionally self-employed, how do you schedule your day as to actually, y'know, get work done? And how do you manage to keep to that schedule?


billroper January 3 2011, 22:19:58 UTC
What you're currently working on is always good, to the extent that you feel like talking about it at any given moment.

Travel plans?

Anything going on around the house that doesn't involve cat vomit. :)


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