Half the 2010 World Tour

Mar 02, 2010 11:49

I've been delaying on posting my "Hello, I'll be a guest at these conventions!" schedual because I have to wait for an official announcement on three conventions and they're not up yet but as the first con is getting very close, I'll do a separate post later.

Now, pay attention because I don't want y'all coming up to me later saying, "I didn't know you were going to be in Someplace!  I'd have gone to the convention if I'd known!  (Note:  these are conventions I'm a guest at, I'll be attending at least one other as a fan.)

Lunacon 2010:  March 19th - 22nd, Rye Brook, NY:   New York's oldest science fiction and fantasy convention.

Balticon 44:  Memorial Day Weekend, May 28th - 31st, Baltimore, MD:  The Maryland Regional Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention

SpoCon 2010: July 30th - August 1st, Spokane, WA: 2010: The Year Fans Make Contact

Remember, three more to come!


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