And she's back!

Feb 21, 2010 16:13


The fifth Valor book -- THE TRUTH OF VALOR -- was sent off to the editor and the agent on Thursday  morning.  It's currently 111,783 words long but that could change depending on what my editor would like done to it.  Since she's never (in twenty-five books for her) asked me to cut anything, it'll probably be a bit (where "a bit" means a couple of thousand words) longer in it's final form.

If we're not all running around defending ourselves with chainsaws by then (I like to take a potential zombie apocalyse into acount when doing long term planning) THE TRUTH OF VALOR will be published by DAW in September.

The moment I have anything resembling a cover and permission from my editor, I'll post said cover here.

Beyond writing a short story for the next Valdemar anthology  (due the end of January) I have no idea what I'll be doing next although I'll pitch the Napoleonic werewolf (where Napoleonic refers to time period and I mess joyfully with the werewolf myth) sometime next month.

I'm getting just a little horked at the "ladies" designation at the Olympics.  No one throws themselves head first down an ice chute aiming to reach 140K  in a crinoline and gloves.  Okay, gloves, yes.  But "women" is the gender designation.  "Ladies" is socio-cultural.  I am always a woman, I am seldom a lady and I don't own a crinoline.  Or throw myself head first down ice chutes but my point still stands.

Coming soon:  my convention schedual for 2010.  (for flexible values of "soon")


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