Not Dead

Feb 05, 2010 10:17

As subject suggests -- not dead.

Busy finishing 5th Valor book -- THE TRUTH OF VALOR -- for Feb 15th. I have either 3,000 words or 11,000 words to go depending on whether or not I can get the rest of the plot and the denouement into the last chapter. I'm really REALLY hoping I can. However precedent suggests I have more to say than I think I do. I once had a "final" chapter turn into the last three chapters and it's always a bad sign when a three word bullet point turns into three pages of novel.

No time! No time! Erg!

Am occasionally surfacing for intermittent tweets as bloggish coherency is beyond me and 140 characters is about all I can manage. (

Give it another ten days and there'll be a post of substance in this space.

Okay, I didn't believe that either...

Cia, babes. kiss kiss
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